19. Game of Neons

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The place she found herself in was nothing like the reality she has known. It was far worse than the black hole where she had visions about the past she could not remember. This place wasn't black nor empty, it was just purely fearsome. But this time she wasn't alone.

Percy got up from a cold ceramic floor and gazed at Ryder, who seemed as much sore because of the fall as she did.

"You jumped after me?" Percy stared at Ryder, who was trying to figure out what was the place they fell into.

In no way it resembled the loud and enjoyable feast they were at, although this place looked like its mirrored reflection. It also had many floors going as far up as if they never ended. But there was no light and no music, not even a single soul. Something inside of Percy was making her feel that whatever this place was it had some unpleasant surprises they were yet to experience.

"You'd probably die here without me, so yes, I felt like I had no other option."

Percy crossed her arms and pouted her lips.

Whatever. I don't need him anyway. If there's anyone who's gonna need help it will be him, not me.

She didn't say it out loud though. She would never admit it, but it felt nice to have someone beside. Alone, she would probably fall apart first, and then try to take up the pieces of her and find a way out. With Ryder there was no way she was going to show any sign of weakness. And it was nice having some company in such a helpless situation.

"Sorry. They brought me in front of the queen and then everything happened so quickly." Percy frowned and opened her hand which was squeezed up to this moment. "Well, at least we got that."

She showed Ryder an emerald gemstone, but he wasn't as impressed as Percy felt.

"Good job. Now we just have to find our way back from this mess."

He looked up but there was nothing, from where they fell out just a moment ago, except for a darkness going miles up.

"Can you stop that?"

Finally, Ryder cared enough to look at her.

"Stop what?"

Percy stepped from leg to leg.

"That tone."

"What tone?"

"That tone."

Like everything that happened was her fault and like he didn't even want to be here.

Well, he didn't have to jump.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

She rolled her eyes.


"Right. Whatever. Let's just find a way out. Neither of us wants to be in each others presence so let's just get the hella out of here."

She turned around but before she had a chance to take a step, Ryder caught her wrist and turned her back to him.

"If I hated your company as much as you paint it, I surely wouldn't be jumping after you. But yeah, now I do want to get back as soon as it's possible."

He let go off her hand and walked away into the dark corridor which seemed the only possible exit. Neither one of them wanted to go upstairs, besides there was a huge neon sign saying EXIT above the passage to the corridor.

Very funny, Death, you must be such a joker.

If it was Millie or Trevor with her right now, she'd probably start joking about Death's sense of humor, but with Ryder, she just didn't know him well enough. Besides, something about him was making her both a bit excited and mad at the same time. What a weird combination.

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