36. Game of Lies

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"Truth and Dare?" Trevor asked, frowning. "Isn't it supposed to be Truth or Dare?"

Yeah, but it's Death's Game after all.

"Dear players," the sweet Voice echoed in the small room, "each of you will be given one truth and one dare. If you lie, you will be eliminated." At that statement a few doors in the room opened and a white and red robotic guards came out, with knives in the place where thy hands should be. They were standing in the corners, completely unbothered, as if waiting for the command. "If you will not tell the whole truth, you will be eliminated. If you decide to keep silent, you will be eliminated. If you refuse to do the dare, you will be eliminated. If you don't complete the dare, you will be eliminated."

"In other words, pretty everything can get you eliminated," Millie whispered to Percy, but she didn't seem scared by this level. Percy knew everything about her. She had nothing to hide. She was pretty good in that game anyway. It was Percy who was more worried.

Because if she didn't remember part of her life, how could she be truthful in her words?

"Good luck, and remember, it is all about completing the truth and dare."

Percy frowned, thinking about the last words of the Voice. It sounded for her as if they were having a second meaning. Something she couldn't crack for now.

The lights in the room flashed with an even brighter glow, directly into the center where the wheel was located.

"Who wants to spin the wheel?" Kyle asked, looking as if he was quite willing to do so. He also, as Millie, didn't seem to have a problem with playing Truth and Dare. For him, this looked like a childish game, that couldn't possibly be that hurtful. "I can do it."

"Be out guest," Angelica replied. Looking at the players, neither of them looked like having a problem with such a chill level. Only Veronica nervously bit her nails, and Mark was avoiding the gazes of others.

Seeing her ex best-friend like that, Percy started liking the idea of this level. She wanted to finally know the truth.

"Let it roll!" Kyle leaned onto the table and strongly spined the wheel into the motion.

Percy held in her breath, waiting for the person it will indicate.

The arrow stopped, pointing Angelica.

"Easy-peasy." She pouted her lips.

Right in front of her, a hole opened in the table, from which smoke was coming out. Angelica unscrupulously put her hand in there, pulling out a small, decorative card.

"What did you get?" Mark asked, waiting, as the others, for her to tell.

"A truth. Would you kill someone for five million dollars?" She looked at us with a wicked smile. "Yes, I would," she replied without remorse and shrugged.

Percy wasn't as surprised as the others, only disgusted by Angelica. She was a thief and she died while a robbing action. That might've indicated the reply for her truth question.

Everybody looked again at the wheel, thinking it's the end, but the hole in front of Angelica didn't close. A little bit confused, she reached again, taking out another card.

"A dare," Angelica quietly commented, scanning the card with her eyes. She bit her lips, as if she wanted to hold the written secret dare withing her. Then, she looked at all the players again. "There was no rule I had to read it out loud to you, so if you don't mind, I'll keep this to myself."

"It's not fair though!" Millie shouted, "Why would you like to keep this to yourself, huh?"

"It is a little bit suspicious," muttered Mark.

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