16. Game of Quarrels

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Percy pulled out Millie from the book maze, along with Kyle who came just behind her. Trevor took his girlfriend into his arms right away, asking if she was fine, but Millie was more quiet than usual. She smiled at Percy, glad that her best friend made it out as well. Veronica didn't even look at them.

"What about others?" asked Kyle, seeing that Blake was getting ready to pull them out.

It wasn't needed though, because a moment later, Ryder and Mark came out from the maze. They had a single sheet of paper and big smiles on their faces, which meant that at least they succeeded. Seeing the grave looks on others' faces made them less excited.

"What's going on?" Mark asked, when a silence unfolded in the library.

"Percy was cut off, so Millie ran after her into the maze. Percy came back on her own, so we wanted to pull the others back," explained Angelica quickly, although she did nothing to help, except for patiently waiting at the starting point.

"Cut off?" repeated Ryder, who knew that there was no possibility to be cut off by the books. The library wasn't working like that.

"Yeah, I don't know what happened." Percy shook her head. She wanted to believe that the ten of them were in this together, but what if there was someone who decided to sabotage her? To hurt her. But why?

"Veronica, do you have something to tell us?" Millie couldn't stay quiet. Maybe confrontation in front of everybody wasn't the best idea, but she was infuriated. They were supposed to be friends!

Veronica gazed at Millie, then at Kyle. Considering they left the book maze together, it seemed obvious that he did tell her everything. Douchebag.

"What's the point? You already know." Veronica wasn't going to deny Kyle's words, since Millie seemed to already chose her side. It didn't matter. She knew from the beginning she will be on her own in this game.

"Know what?" Percy turned to Millie. There was tension between her friends, and it was growing.

"Kyle is Veronica's ex-boyfriend. The one who cheated on her. With me. In the camp."

Percy opened her mouth wider. "Veronica?"

"That's why you've been friends with us? To get closer to me? What for?" Millie looked as if she was about to jump at Veronica and knock her out. Becoming friends with someone you sincerely hate was way off the track.

Kyle, on the other way, looked definitely too happy with this whole conflict between the two girls he was sleeping with.

"What do you want me to tell you?" Veronica raised her voice, feeling trapped in the worst situation. "Yes, I moved to the town to get closer to you. Yes, I wanted to make you pay for sleeping with my boyfriend! Yes, our friendship was scripted. But it changed along time. You... you weren't as bad a person as I thought you were. I kinda even liked you. What was I supposed to do? Tell you the truth? You would never talk to me again!"

"Yeah, you're right! I don't want to even look at you!" If she was as unpredictable as Kyle was saying, there was no telling what the truth was anymore. Millie had a problem with believing Veronica's good intentions. She lied to them all. That's not what friends do. They tell even the worst secrets.

"Hey, let's try and work it out." Percy would always stand by Millie's side, but right now internal conflicts wouldn't do them any good.

"You did this?" Millie pointed at Percy. "You cut her off? You had a chance since you separated from Kyle!"

That's what Percy didn't think about. Would Veronica be capable of such a horrible thing? Percy did nothing wrong, but maybe it was some of her tactic to make Millie feel miserable.

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