6. Game of Speed

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"And there I thought you won't come after all," said Blake, who was already sitting in his motorcycle, with helmet in his hands.

"And lose the chance to go on a dangerous trip with a handsome stranger? No way!" Percy laughed, thinking that they actually weren't strangers. Otherwise, she wouldn't agree on that trip, but Blake, she knew just a few small details about him. And to be a hundred percent sure of her safety, she did write to Millie about her crazy plans.

"That's true, I'm indeed handsome," he teased her with a smirk on his face.

Okay, blunt, but was there even a girl who wouldn't think of him as handsome?

Blake took out the second helmet from the storage compartment under the motorcycle seat. He gave it to Percy, helping her fasten it under the chin, and casually making her a bit blush. He took out motorcycle gloves, one pair for her, and one for him. Maybe the weather outside was warm, but on the motorcycle, it was always windy - or at least that's what he said.

"I'm just saying you might look better than the other human guys I met."

He frowned, which meant he had noticed the term human. She said it automatically and unknowingly, because the distinction between humans and otherworldly beings was forever etched in her head.

Demons, reapers and monsters were something completely different than humans. Not even remotely close.

"I can't really disagree on that," he chuckled and got on his motorcycle. "Alright, sit behind me."

"And I get to embrace you from behind?" she said with a fake excitation, what made him even more amused. Percy seemed like a girl who liked to make fun out of things others wouldn't talk about.  

"You even must."  

"Damn, no one will tell me that having a motorcycle is not a perfect idea for picking up chicks," laughed Percy, but she did as Blake instructed her. Gladly, as she might say. For one thing was sure, Blake seriously was hot as fuck, especially rocking that bad black motorcycle look.

"Alright, hold on tight," he stated, not wanting to have a casualty on the road.

"Oh, I will," she yelled, trying to shout over the sounds of the motorcycle.

One second later and they were already on the road, going at full speed. She leaned slightly to the side, checking the odometer, as the wind was blowing the part of her hair that was sticking out from under the helmet. She has never been on a motorcycle trip before, but she could imagine why some of the people liked it so much. The feeling was breathtaking. As a passenger she didn't have to think about the road, so she could relish the speed and sense of freedom as they passed cars.

Soon, they entered the town's exit road that led towards the hills. While in the town there still were some other cars, this road became completely empty, giving Blake a chance to develop speed. For a moment, Percy's heart trembled as they accelerated, but after a while she grew accustomed to the new speed. Blake was not only a very confident boy, but also a driver. It was evident that he had a lot of experience, also in driving with a passenger.

"How long do you have your motorcycle?" she screamed, wondering if he'll hear her.

"Since I learned how to drive. It was my first vehicle. Been taking care of it since then. Oldie, but still great."

Right from the start he knew that he was more into motorcycles than cars. It was not a good means of transport for more than two people, but that was also his advantage, quite a romantic one.

Percy turned her head towards the edge of the bluff, where there was a view of a part of the illuminated city. They weren't far away, but it was an area she didn't go too often. Apart from the road and the hills, there was nothing here.

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