chapter 17

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Along with votes and comments, you all can shower tomatoes, eggs and shoes on me today, for this chapter, I will happily accept.... but yes don't forget to do vote and comments while throwing tomatoes 🙃🙃🙃

Chapter start...........👇

2 days pass

In these two days, Avni does not do anything that makes Neil sad, but at the same time, she does not do anything that makes Neil happy, But yes she remains normal and tries to tell Neil that she stay here only for him but she is unable to tell

Neil senses from her behavior that she wants to say something to him, but at the same time he does not force her to say anything

This morning, Neil is in a hurry so he goes to the police station without having breakfast....

Seeing his carelessness like this, she is worried for his health but as her feelings are changing nowadays, due to that change, she thinks of doing something which Neil never expected.

In the afternoon, she comes to the police station after preparing lunch for him and DD takes her to Neil's cabin and Neil is surprised to see her for the first time at his work place, he really did not expect that Avni would come to his office with food for him. He is happy with this gesture of hers

Neil makes her sit on the couch in his cabin and speaks

Neil - Thank you, I really liked that you came here, don't know but I was missing you and here you come

Avni listens to this but does not say anything on this, and says something else

Avni - You come after washing your hands, till then I will serve this

Neil goes to wash his hands in the washroom of the cabin and then comes back to the cabin and sits with her on the couch and when he sees that Avni is serving food only for him, he says

Neil - I will eat only if you eat with me

Avni sees him and then Neil first takes a morsel and feeds her but then Avni tells him that she will eat herself, then both eat sharing their food in the same plate and both feel good in this moment.

However, since 2 days, whatever she wants to say to him, as well as some other things she is feeling these days, she also wants to share with him....And she thinks that after having this lunch today, she will muster up the courage to at least say this to him that she didn't go to Chandigarh with everyone because she wanted to be with him

She knows that even such a small thing will make him very happy and she wants to give him this happiness.

Wherein, soon both of them finish their lunch, after having food, Neil tells Avni that first she washes her hands, he will clean it all here, Avni refuses but Neil says that he will do it.

Avni reluctantly goes to the washroom to wash her hands and here Neel collects all those things and then as soon as Avni is coming out of the washroom both of them hear her phone ringing and as Avni's hand was wet, she asks Neil to please pick up her phone, it might be maa's call.

Avni's phone is on Neil's desk and as Neil gets up from the couch and goes near the desk to pick up her phone, they both get shocked when the fan above the couch suddenly falls on the couch

Avni gets shocked seeing this because there was a difference of just a few seconds, if Neil had not got up from there, the fan would have fallen on him

Whereas Neil sees that fan and it was his good luck that at the right time Avni makes get him up from there asking him to pick up her phone otherwise this fan would have fallen on him.... She is really his good luck and in every form this thing has been proved today, nothing can happen to him being close to him. Whenever she stays close to him, knowingly or unknowingly she protects him.

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