Chapter 23

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We watched as Ava tossed the ball and knocked down the bottle.
"We have a winner!" The man shouted.
"Yay!" Ava went as we clapped for her.
"Hm! Beginner's luck!" Asch said. I nodded in agreement. "Watch this!" He said, pushing me a bit to grab the ball and tossed it. I looked at the little toy Ava got and my tail twitched. I looked at Asch as he realized he failed throwing a ball. "I'm not through yet." He threw the remaining four balls. I chuckled and handed him a ticket.
"Here you are." He said, handing me to baseballs. I picked up one and tossed it with little effort. I knocked over the bottle and smiled as he handed me a stuffed cat. Wasn't my favorite but it was nice. Asch looked shocked at me. I just chuckled and walked back over to Pierce to show him my little stuff.
"It's cute." He told me.
"I know! I'm keeping it." I said as my tail gently wagged. I looked up and saw Leif toss Noi. I blinked a bit. "Does that normally happen?" I asked him as Ava went to go make sure he was okay.
"It's nothing like what happens on Daemos. I'm sure Noi is fine." He said. My tail gently twitched, I wanted to make sure he was okay but in order to do that I would need Ava out of my way. I gently chuckled as the guy yelled at Leif. I saw Ava walk up to him and apologize for Leif's behavior and explained something about Leif trying to impress her. We all walked off. Ava pulled out her phone, I walked up to her.
"Is everything okay?" I asked her.
"Yeah! Just, Lorelai is going to arrive soon." Ava said.
"Lorelai? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, lowering my ears.
"Oh, I forgot about that, sorry Wolfie." She said. I gave an uncomfortable grunt but I nodded so she knew it was okay.
"What does that mean?" Rhys asked.
"It means, we have time for one more game!" She responded. I lightly chuckled before noticing some of the Daemos were gone.
"Wait, where did the others go?" I asked before we noticed them coming back with corn dogs. I tilted my head slightly. Noi chuckled.
"Look at what we found!" Noi said.
"Uh.. Where did you get those?" Ava asked.
"Those children over there." Asch said. My ears flicked nervously.
"Move! We need to move!" I said, quickly walking away. I lowered my ears down enough to not hear any arguments if they were saying anything. The others quickly followed.

Once we were far enough I went on my phone and scrolled through my music, thinking if there was a song I wanted to listen to. Ava suddenly sneezed, I was about to say "Bless you" but Asch beat me to it.
"Bless you." He said.
"Thanks I- Wait, manners?" Ava went looking at him.
I never thought I'd see the day.
Asch slightly blushed.
"I learned it from Socky!" He said. I chuckled.
"I'll be right back Ava." I told her.
"Huh? Where are you going?" She asked.
"Restroom." I told her before walking away. "I'll be a few minutes!"

I came back and saw Pierce with the weird hammer thing for the game. I couldn't remember what it was called. I saw Ava hand the man a ticket before standing beside me.
"What's going on?" I asked her.
"Letting them play I game I know they'll win." She said with a smile. My ta gently wagged as I saw Pierce swing the hammer and heard the bell ring. The bell did hurt my ears a little but that didn't really matter. The guy looked surprised.
"Heh! That's easy! I'm for it!" Leif said excitedly.
"Beginner's luck! Here! Let me fix it!" The guy said before going behind the machine.
"We both know he's going to rig it right?" I asked Ava.
"Yep, but I doubt it'll be enough." She said, I giggled.
"Let me try!" Leif said, lifting the hammer and slamming it down, the bell hurt my ears again.
"H-How!?" The guy went.
"Told ya." Ava said. I just elbowed her gently. She giggled.
"Let me try." Asch said. Ava looked away at something, I honestly wanted to see Asch try.
"Guys! We need to leave now!" Ava said. I looked over at her before seeing what she was looking at, a police officer.
Oh no oh no oh no.. Uh.. What do we do!?
"Leif, Pierce, Wolfie, you three are with me, Rhys, Asch, Noi, you go the other way." Ava said.
"What!? Why me?" Noi asked.
Okay but we'd still be a bit of a group. Still it's not enough to be considered sizable I guess..?
"Because I trust you Rhys to make sure Noi and Asch don't get in trouble." Ava said.
"Hey, I'm right here." I told her. She gave me a slight glare. "Fine.. But I'm going up ahead." I told her while walking away.

I stopped when the Daemos did, Ava turned around and kept talking. Suddenly she bumped into someone.
"Ava!" I walked up to her and helped her on her feet, making sure she was okay.
"Ouchie.." Lorelai said before looking over at Ava. "Hey Ava!" She said. I lightly gulped.
"Uhh, Hey Lorelai!" Ava said nervously. I stood beside her. Ava elbowed me in the ribs, I slightly winced before taking a few steps back to let her and Lorelai talk, I noticed other people coming our way.
"Well! If it isn't Ava herself." The guy said. "Miss me?" He asked, Ava seemed to get hostile so I went back to standing beside her. He looked over at me with a confused look.
"What?" I asked him. He seemed to be surprised by the aggression in my voice but I didn't exactly care. Pierce and Leif came up to make sure Ava was okay.
"Wow, she actually does have friends." The guy said. I did my best not to growl at him.
"Yeah, who wouldn't want to be friends with her?" I asked him, Ava elbowed me in the ribs again, I took a step back. I gently rubbed my ribs since she also did elbow the slash on my side, I don't think she did it on purpose but she did hurt. Lorelai invited us to a rollercoaster and Pierce had obviously said yes, so off we went.

I was learning against the gate, feeling bored since the line was so long and we had already been waiting a while already.
"So, how long have you guys been friends with Ava?" The guy asked, I just grunted and rolled my eyes.
"Uhhh it feels like forever." Leif said.
"Really now? How come she's never talked about you guys? What school did you guys go t-" I quickly interrupted.
"What Ava does in her life is none of your business!" I told him. "If she doesn't feel like talking about someone she doesn't need to." I said before leaning back on the fence.
"Steve! Stop hassling them!" Lorelai said, hearing my tone.
"What? I'm just curious who could get alone with Ava." He said.
That's it!
I got up, going face to face with him.
"We could all ask the same for you with the millions of questions your willing to ask when you should be minding your own business and just waiting in line just like the rest of us!" I snapped at him, Ava stepped on my tail. I just growled and went back to leaning on the fence.
"Hey! It's our turn!" Lorelai said. Steve glared at me and I glared back. We all walked up and got onto the rollercoaster. Pierce sat beside me.

By the time we got off Leif had to carry Ava and Pierce had to help me.
I shouldn't have ate all that popcorn.. Why couldn't I just be given a heads up that I would be going on a rollercoaster?
I wasn't feeling good at all. We followed Lorelai and her friends and Pierce sat me down on a bench. I just needed to breathe.. Pierce sat beside me, I'm guessing so he could make sure I was okay.

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