Chapter 10

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I woke up to the sound of tapping. I flicked my ears and opened my eyes. That's when I saw Ava walking past me toward the wall portal. I tilted my head with curiosity.
"What are you doing?" I asked her. She turned around and looked back at me.
"There's another room in my apartment, it's out of this world and I haven't explored it. That's changing today." She said before turning around and walking through it. I gently shrugged and placed my head down and decided to rest more.

I woke up to my ear flicking since something was poking it. I lifted my head and rubbed one of my eyes with my paw. I opened my eyes and saw Leif. I groaned before dropping my head back down on the cushion.
"What do you want?" I groaned.
"Ava's in our room and I'm not too sure how to get her out." He said. I huffed through my nose before going in my hybrid form and getting up to my feet. My feet started to hurt, I knew that meant I rested a lot but still.
"Alright well if I have permission to go into your room I'll help her out." I said.
"Alright, come on." He said.
Ohhhh bloody teeth I didn't think he was serious...
We both walked through the wall and I followed him to a weird looking hot tub fountain thing.
"Leif what are you doing? Why are you bringing the werewolf in here?" Asch said.
"I'm asking for her help to get Ava out." He said. "She's been in here a while now." I just decided to walk to Ava as they started to argue.
"Ava, come on, let's go." I said, I gently grabbed her arm but she pulled herself away.
"I'm staying in here. You know I live for hot tubs." She said, crossing her arm. I just stared at her before sticking one of my claws in the water.
It's almost boiling..
I looked back at her.
"You're going to get overheated Ava." I said. She just looked away. I rolled my eyes. "Ava you're going to get sick!" I told her, grabbing her arm more forcefully and pulling her out a bit.
"Hey! Let go!" She said, I felt something pressing against my back, I turned my head and saw it was Noi.
"Let the princess go!" He shouted at me. I looked at him then back at Ava, then quickly back at him.
I can easily take him down and get Ava out. But I'd rather not. He's too hesitant. If he was scared that I would hurt Ava he would've already stabbed me by now.
"Very well." I let Ava go and got up. Quickly turning around and pushing Noi away. He fell down and landed on his back. I walked over beside him and held out my paw to help him up. He grabbed it and I pulled him to his feet.
"What was that for?" He asked.
"You're too hesitant. I get there's guilt when wanting to kill or hurt something but sometimes that shouldn't matter. If I had dug my claws onto Ava, you wouldn't attack me very fast." I said. I circled around him. "It's a bit sad but.. It makes you unique." I said.
"It does?" He asked.
"Yes. From what I've seen, you know when to show mercy. In a lot of cases that can safe your life." I said.
"How does not killing something save his life?" Asch asked. I turned around.
"Oh you two are done arguing. Now I'm going back to sleep." I tried walking past him but he stepped in front of me. I lowered my ears in annoyance and looked at him.
"Answer my question werewolf." He demanded.
"Get out of my way." I growled. He looked more angry.
"Don't disrespect me in my own place." He said.
"Technically it's Rhys's place, he made it." I said.
"Stop disrespecting me." He said, lifting up his hand bringing a fireball out. I quickly blew as hard as I could and watched it disappear. Before he could react I decided to move fast, in a swift movement I got behind him and placed two fingers on a sensitive nerve and poked it before punching it. I watched as he fell down. The Daemos quickly ran over and made sure he was okay.
"Next time.. Don't disrespect me by getting in my personal space." I said before turning and walking away. I felt annoyed and angry now. I just went through the wall portal and back into the living room.
Finally.. Away from all that chaos.
"How did you do that?" I heard a voice behind me. I quickly turned around, unsheathing my claws until I noticed it was Leif.
"Oh, it's you Leif." I said before sheathing my claws and looking at him properly now. "Anyways, I hit his nerves. He won't die but he won't be moving until about now." I said.
"You hit his what?" Leif said.
"His nerves. Daemos have them, they're just really hard to see." I said.
"Then how did you hit them if you can't see them?" He asked.
"I did see them, but it's also a matter of how hard I would hit him, it's one of the reasons why anything that moves can feel pain." I said. "I can show you an easy one." I said.
"You can!?" He said, sounding all excited. I made me slightly chuckle.
"Yes." I held out my arm. I made a fist. "Grab my wrist." I said, he grabbed it gently. "Now squeeze as hard as you can, but not enough to break my bone." I said. He squeezed my wrist, and hard. I was lucky I was keeping myself calm otherwise I would've yelped. "Okay, now I'm going to try to open my paw." I said. I quickly tried to open my paw but it felt so tight. My wrist was just in strain.
"Okay, why aren't you opening it?" He asked.
"This is the effect of nerves. Your keeping my paw closed. It's a good way to make sure someone can pick up their weapon or, in my case, keep me from scratching you with my claws." I explained.
"Wow!" He said.
"Can you let go now? It's really starting to hurt." I said. He gently let my arm go, it still felt sore but it was definitely better.
"Can you teach me more?" Leif asked with excitement.
This is going to be a long night!

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