Chapter 15

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I was in the bathroom bandaging myself up.
I still have to thank the Daemos for coming to my rescue. Especially Pierce.. He really did save my head..
I couldn't reach my back. I walked out and saw Ava walking toward the door.
"A-Ava!" I stuttered.
"Hm?" She turned around and noticed the bandages. "What happened!?" She asked.
"I got in a bit of a disagreement! Can you help me with my back?" I asked her.
"Uh- Sure thing." She walked up to me and helped wrap the bandages around my back.
"Thank you, just pull a little tighter and you should be able to just place it on my fur and it should stick." I said, I felt something gently tugging. "Thank you. Where are you off to?" I asked as I turned around.
"My dads want to meet up for breakfast. Something you and the other Daemos can't come to." She said with an annoyed look on her face.
"Okay okay I'll make sure they don't try to leave and find you again!" I said, lifting my paws to show her I wasn't crossing my claws or anything.
"Good, I'm trusting you, they can be a handful. I'll see you later Wolfie." She walked away. I lightly sighed as she left. I walked over to the door and locked it. I went to the kitchen and started to grab some meat from the fridge. I gently placed it down.
"Question." I heard Leif ask. My tail twitched.
"Yes?" I asked. I didn't bother to flinch since from the first time I knew he wouldn't be able to take me down.
"What would it take to win over Princess Ava's affection?" He asked. I didn't think I heard him right.
"Ask that again." I said, turning around to look at him face to face.
"What would it take to win over Princess Ava's affection?" He asked again.
"Why are you asking me?" I tilted my ear slightly in confusion.
"Well you seem to know her better then us, besides I just want to see." He said, my heart flickered again.
"Well.. Hm. A way someone usually wins my heart is through giving me gifts and being nice." I said.
"What kind of gift could you give to a Princess?" He asked. I seriously wanted to laugh but I held myself.
"Why don't you go see Mrs. Oates? I'm pretty sure she'd have something to give you." I said.
"Really!? Alright! I'll be back!" He said before teleporting away.
I really hope I don't regret that.
I went back to cutting up my meat into werewolf bite size portions. I felt my stomach growl so I took a piece and popped it into my mouth.
"Werewolf." I looked up and saw Asch looking at me.
"I have a name." I told him. He grunted and rolled his eyes.
"Wolfie. How do you flirt with humans?" He asked. I flicked my ear.
"What?" I asked.
"How do humans flirt?" He asked.
"Oh, well, they normally compliment each other in meaningful ways." I said.
"Like how?" He asked.
"Hmm, well I don't do it a lot, but the main way, is like saying someone looks cute, or pretty, or just straight saying that they have a nice smile." I said.
"Alright." He began to walk away.
Wow. Daemos seriously have no manners.
I threw another piece of meat into my mouth as I finished cutting it all up.
"Thank you." He said. I flicked my ears up.
"Oh, my, did the stuck up stubborn prince of Daemos just thank a lowly commoner werewolf?" I asked, my tail wagging.
"Shut-" He shouted.
"Shhh.." I interrupted. He looked at me with a confused look on his face.
"Shhhhhh.." I held a claw to my lips. "I'm enjoying the moment." I said with a grin. Asch growled before stomping away. That's when I noticed Rhys coming through the door and barely avoiding to bump into Asch.
"That was rather bold." Rhys said.
Is he holding a cookbook?
"What are you holding?" I asked.
"It's a coook book." He said. I lowered my ears by the way he said cook.
"Why do you have that?" I asked.
"I'm planning on making some food for Princess Ava by learning how to coook." He said.
Okay that's already getting annoying..
"Cool.. Well if you need help then feel free to just ask." I said.
"Oh I will, I remember seeing you make a lot of food for Princess Ava." Rhys said.
"Yeah, Ava doesn't really know how to cook so I normally do it for her." I walked away. I noticed Pierce sitting on the couch. I walked up to him and sat down beside him. "Hi Pierce." I said.
"Hello." He said. I lowered my ears.
"Thank you." I told him.
"What for?" He asked. Looking over at me.
"For saving my life, during that ambush last night. I could've died.. If you weren't there." I lowered my ears. Pierce looked at me and nodded. "I.. I.." I felt my eyes tearing up. I felt a hand on my head.
"It's okay." Pierce said, he was gently petting me. He gently touched my ear and it flicked, since I didn't really enjoy my ears being touched. I sighed.
"I think.. To be fair. And if I ever go feral. There is something to make me submissive." I said.
"Feral?" He asked.
"Like me going wild. I would try to kill Ava or you or Asch or anything. I wouldn't want to do anything like that but if things ever go to worse, I want you to know one of my main weakness. How to get me weak." I lowered my ears.
I hope I don't regret this.
"Okay." He said. I raised my ears.
"Scratching right behind my ears is a great way to calm me." I said. Pierce lifted his hand and gently petted my head. I started to lower my ears but he began to scratch behind my ear. I felt my leg kick a little bit.
Oh my goodness that feels nice. I haven't felt a good ear scratch in over two decades! Wait no, I have to stay focused for when Ava comes back- Oh! That's the spot! Yes that's the spot..z...zzzzzz..

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