Chapter 4

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By the time we arrived home and had placed everything down Ava and the Daemos left to the living room.
"Guys- The groceries- Ugh!" I grunted as I picked them up and brought them to the kitchen as I saw her talking to the Daemos, something about stealing and being disappointed. That's when I looked over and noticed something weird. "Wait, weren't there other Daemos before?"
"Oh yeah, speaking of which, where are they?" Ava asked, looking around. My ears flicked up with curiosity as I saw one of them walk out of the.. Walk out of the wall..
"Prince Asch, this way." He said. One of them gasps, making them catch my attention even more.
"They set it up!" The orange dressed one said as he walked to the wall. The one I'm guessing was named Asch glared at Ava, but I gave a loud growl at him that got him to stop.
"Good." He said, glaring at me. Then one by one they had walked in. Ava just stared at the wall.
"Hold up.. What!?" She went before going over to the wall and poking it.
"Ava don't you think about leaving me-" She walked through the wall. "-with.. The rest of the groceries.. GRRRRR!!" I growled before continuing to put them away.

After finally finishing putting them all away I decided to go give them a piece of my mind, mainly Ava. I walked through the portal.
"Ava, next time don't-" That's when I had saw Ava getting up and Pierce handing her to box of Munchie Scrunchies I had forgotten to get from him.
"What the-!? Where did you get this!?" She asked him.
"I took-" I quickly interrupted him.
"I paid for it Ava." I said. Causing the other Daemos to look at me. I lightly huffed.
"When? When did you have time to get these?" She asked me.
"Pierce and I fell behind while you ran off getting Johnny those YumYums. I noticed you didn't have enough money for both so Pierce and I grabbed you a few, I paid for them, and we caught up." I explained.
"Uh- Okay.. Fine.." She took the Munchie Scrunchies from Pierce and walked away, out of the weird room we were in. I sighed and gently rubbed my eyes.
"Are you okay?" I heard Pierce behind me ask. I turned around, I guess I had a worried look on my face since he gently patted me on the head.
"I guess.. I.." I lightly sighed. "I'm just going to go make some food for Ava.. Is anyone else hungry?" I asked, looking up at them, they all looked at each other with a confused look. I lightly chuckled. "I promise if I poison any of you, you can stab me through the heart." I said. Putting a hand over my chest, mainly where my heart is. They all nodded and I walked out. I walked to the kitchen and saw Ava already eating her Munchie Scrunchies. "I could've made you some actual food you know." I said.
"That's okay, I do love my Munchie Scrunchies!" She said with such a cute smile you think it could effect everyone in the room around her with joy. It did, with me being the only one in the room, it made me smile to see her smile. I walked over and grabbed a couple of pots and pans and began to prepare a meal for the Daemos.

I finished making the food and placed them all onto individual plates. I walked back over to the wall portal thing and slowly walked in, I saw them all talking, I cleared by throat but none of them heard me, I tried again, louder this time but they just ignored me, well, all except Pierce, he gave a loud clap that.. Somehow got all their attention.
"The food is ready." I said.
"Just bring it to us then." Asch said.
"But that's five plates-" he cut me off.
"Bring it, here." He repeated. I lowered my ears.
"Can I at least get a small amount of help?" I asked.
"I'll help." Pierce said.
"Pierce!" Asch said but it was already too late, Pierce walked out, I chuckled nervously before quickly following him. We walked over to the table and I picked up three plates while Pierce picked up two.
"Where's your plate?" He asked me.
"Oh, I'm not.. Hungry.." I lied. I was hungry but I wanted some raw meat. He just kept looking at me. "I'll eat later." I said quickly.
"Okay." He said as we carried the plates through the wall, portal thing, I handed my plates out before I turned to walk away. I walked through the portal and just flopped into the couch. I lightly sighed. I decided to go back to my hybrid form. It was more comfortable for me since I had the warmth of my fur.
Tap.. Tap... Tap..
My ear flicked as I looked over to the window, where I saw tiny rocks hitting it.
Oh blood and teeth.
I walked over to it and pushed it open. I peeked out and looked down.
"Wolf! Please take me in! I promise
I'll be a good boyfriend!" He shouted. He was so pathetic.
"For the last time! I do not like you like that! I despise you! Go home!" I shouted at him.
"Wolf please!!!" He shouted.
"Its Wolfie!" I leaned and shouted, I didn't realize how close to the edge when my paw slipped, I felt someone grab my side and quickly pull me back in, I looked back and saw it was Pierce. "Uh.. Thanks.." I said as I dusted myself off. I growled and went over to the window, he looked hopeful, until I closed the window.
"Who's that?" Pierce asked.
"Some annoying guy.. Just ignore him. He'll go away.. I hope.." I said while gently rubbed my head.
"Okay. Are you okay? You're making a weird face." He asked me. I shook my head.
"No.. I just want him to go away.." I felt my eyes tearing up. He looked over at the window. He gently picked me up and placed me on the couch.
"I'll be back." He said, giving the window an angry look before walking away.

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