Chapter 10

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Ezra's POV
I woke up with a splitting headache. "Ugh, what happened? Where am I?" I asked myself. I looked around the room I could deduct that I was in a cell. From the looks of the cell it was an Imperial cell. 'Great just what I need,' I thought to myself. "How did I end up in an Imperial cell?" I asked to no one. I was thinking and then it hit me.
I was laying in my old bed, after being woken up during a wonderful dream. I was just laying wondering now that we got our relationships sorted out what will happen in the future. Will we change or will we stay the same? I came out of my thoughts as the door opened with a hiss. At first I was worried that it was an intruder who would harm me but then I remembered that Kanan said his friend would check up on me from time to time. But I stayed still and quiet just in case it wasn't the friend. I saw a Lannik walk in. "So, you must be Kanan's friend. Am I right?" I asked the lannik.
He looked over at me, "Yes, and I presume your Ezra." I nodded. He looked around the room, "So do you need anything?"
I thought 'bout it and shook my head, "Nope but thanks for asking and checking up on me." He looked uncomfortable and nervous.
"Well if you're fine then I'll just leave," he said now in a sweat.
Then next thing I knew I was thrown upon the wall and held there by what I believe was the Force. But I couldn't find who was doing it. I heard an evil laugh and I turned my head towards it and found the last person I wanted to see with another I despise. The Inquisitor with Agent Kallus. "Well what do we have here? Ah if it isn't my good friend Ezra Bridger. Why are you here padawan? Where is your master?" he said with a cold voice and a smirk on his face with some of his pointed teeth showing. I couldn't answer 'cause he still had my neck. I guess he took the hint that I needed air when he saw me scratch at the invisible force holding me. He let go and I dropped to the ground trying to get air back into my lungs. When I did and was able to talk again I asked him something.
" you...want?" I asked with a shaky breath. He just laughed with the same coldness from a little bit ago.
"Why, I'm here for you. Don't you see. You can get power from joining our side. The power to get revenge on your enemies. All you have to do is turn over to the dark side. What do you say?"
I said with calmness for if I lash out he wins, "Never in a million years." He just smiled. Why was he smiling? What does he have planned?
He chuckled, "Don't you know young padawan that your tower has bombs on every inch of its base. If you don't come with me then you and your tower will be blown to pieces. Now will you join the dark side or die?"
I took a deep breath, looked him in the eyes and spat out, "Never Baldy I'm gonna die sooner or later. And I would rather want to die today as a Jedi's padawan than die later as a SIth apprentice." The Inquisitor looked disappointed at my response.
"I didn't want to do this boy but I can't take you...yet" he said. He and Agent Kallus left the tower and when I thought they got to the bottom I ran out. Once I was out I kept running till I got to the railing then I jumped. 'I've done it a million times,' I told myself as I jumped.
I made it over the rail and was going into a rolling position but my tower blew up and I was knocked farther out than I usually do. I landed and unfortunately didn't feel to great. My head was spinning and my leg was throbbing. I layed there in the field hoping nothing bad would happen. I reached for my comm on my belt loop but it wasn't there, 'I must've left it in my tower,' I thought to myself. I should keep moving so the Inquisitor or Agent Kallus don't get me I started crawling for a couple of minutes until I got so weak and tired. My head spinning like crazy. I look up just as the black started creeping into the sides of my vision and saw the Inquisitor standing above him. He knelt next to me and whispered to me, "You're mine boy." The last thing I saw was him and Agent Kallus talking before I was consumed by the darkness of unconsciousness.
~End of Flashback~
'Man not only did I get captured but I didn't even put up a fight,' I thought to myself. I sat on the bed still when I heard a cold voice.
"What, why is he in here? Open the door now," said the voice which I knew of as the Inquisitor's cold voice. The door opened shortly after and I saw him the guy who blew up my tower and who kidnapped me. I glared at him as though he were some food between my teeth. He spoke to me, "I am so glad your up and I'm sorry you were put into this cell if you come with me I'll bring you to somewhere more comfortable. Follow me please." He walked out of the cell and I followed cause I was gonna escape the first chance I got. We walked for some time up some stairs and I never had an opening, but we finally stopped in front of a door. He opened it up, "Here we are, please make yourself comfortable." I walked in curious if it was really comfortable and it was. It had a bed with an actual mattress, blankets, and pillows, not a bed roll. There was a small nightstand next to it with a single lamp on it. There was a dresser, a desk, another door and a shelf full of datapads. "Well as you can see there is a bed, a nightstand, dresser, desk, a shelve with datapads, and that door leads to the bathroom. Oh and here are some new clothes and some food for you too." He said that and two stormtroopers walked in. One carrying a tray of food and the other carrying some clothes for me. "Well I'll let you get comfortable. Soldiers let's leave," he said and soon I was alone in the room.
"Why would he be nice to me," I said to myself.
Authors Note:
Sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been busy with the summer program I'm in and camp. But I'm trying to update but it's a little hard plus I've been having the biggest writer's block ever (at least to me). Thanks to you guys for being patient. Remember to comment & vote.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2015 ⏰

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