Chapter 9

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Kanan's POV
      Hera answered, "We'll be there in about a half-hour. Why? What's going on?"
      I knew I have to tell her what I saw, "Okay Hera I was on the floor 'cause I was feeling so much pain. I passed out and it was all black. Next thing I knew I was having a vision, which I still don't know if it's true or not but I don't want any chances. Well I saw Ezra on the ground in the plains and in the background was his tower burning. I don't know what caused it but Ezra was hurt and we need to get to him now." Hera saw the panic and worry in my face and heard it in my voice. She nodded and we quickly made our way to the cockpit.
      We soon got to the tower and what I hoped wouldn't be true, was. I saw Ezra's tower, burning I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Once the Ghost landed I opened up the ramp and ran towards the burning field in front of his tower. "EZRA!" I yelled. I waited for a reply and it didn't come. "EZRA!" I yelled again with tears in my eyes. I was running when I saw it in the field, something that made it feel like my heart stopped. I saw the amber fields but in one spot I saw crimson red. I was running towards that spot and tripped. I crawled the rest of the way. I found it, nothing was in the grass but I dipped my finger in the substance and my fear was confirmed. It was blood and by the looks of it this was where I saw Ezra in my vision. The only problem, where was he now? I started breaking into fresh tears which was rare for me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I saw Hera knelt on one side next to me and Sabine on the other. Zeb fell to his knees, in tears and Chopper was staring at the red spot. We cried, in silence for what seemed like forever.
      "Kanan, is Ezra gone?" Sabine asked. I closed my eyes and tried to feel him in the force, but got nothing. More tears flooded my eyes.
      I shook my head. "I...can...can't...," I stopped and took a deep breath, "feel...him." We all stayed silent and cried more. I felt sad I just lost my padawan, my friend, my son. But soon my sadness turned to anger. I curled my fingers into a tight fist and slammed them into the ground, "Who did this? They will pay for what they've done."
      "Kanan getting revenge won't bring him back and getting angry won't either," Hera said. She brought me into a hug. I hugged back and cried. Soon I felt the robotic arms of Chopper, the thin arms of Sabine, and the thick arms of Zeb around me and we sat there and cried. An hour passed and we decided to leave and head back to the ship. The rest of the night passed in a blur. The next morning we all woke up. None of us had got much sleep. Around noon I was in my bedroom looking at Ezra's helmet that he liked to wear. 'If only I didn't put you in your tower than you would still be here,' I thought to myself. I was interrupted though by Sabine who ran in out of breath.
      "Kanan I was watching the Imperial broadcast and they just have to come see," she said. I walked with her to the common room where a hologram of Agent Kallus and the Inquisitor were paused. "As you know we always record all broadcasts from the Empire. Well when I was as watching today's broadcast they said..." She stopped and I saw a lone tear escape her right eye. She took a deep breath and continued, "Well just listen." She played the recording of the broadcast,
      "This is ISB Agent Kallus and the Inquisitor. We have some exciting news for all you citizens out there. We have successfully killed a rebel. His name Ezra Bridger who was part of the rebel cell Ghost. He was hiding out in the abandoned communication tower in the fields near Central City on Lothal. We blew up the tower and he flew out and landed in the grass. He was still alive when we found him so we shot him which killed him instantly. The Inquisitor and I would like to thank the storm troopers who helped in the killing of this insurgent. And hopefully we all will be able to sleep in peace tonight. In other news..."
      It was cut off by Sabine. "After that it was just some new law but we now know how and who killed Ezra." I started getting angry again. How dare they kill him
      I breathed in a deep breath, "Dont worry Sabine they will pay for what they did to him. To us. To our family."
Authors Note:
Hey you guys nothing really important just wanna say thanks for the huge amount of support you guys have been giving this story and me. Make sure to comment, vote, and add to your reading lists. Follow me and make sure to check out my other story on my page, 'Scars'. Thanks and I'll post tomorrow.

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