Chapter 3

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Kanan's POV
      After I let the med bay doors close behind me I wish I didn't have to leave I wanted to be by his side to make sure he was gonna be okay but I knew we needed this mission to go on. 'Ezra will be okay I'll only be gone for a couple of minutes,' I thought to myself which made me slightly less worried but not completely. I arrived to the cockpit which had my crew minus one. Hera was sitting in her pilot's chair, Sabine was in her chair (which was a bright assortment of colors and patterns), Zeb was sitting in an over sized chair (we had to buy him a bigger one cause he was hanging half off of the original), and Chopper was right next to Hera. I walked in and sat in the co-pilot's chair, which was right next to Chopper. "So let's get started," I said. I was about to speak about the mission until Sabine spoke up.
      "Wait what about Ezra? I mean shouldn't he be here?"
      I looked at Sabine and answered, "Actually Sabine he came down with something so he's resting right now. But don't worry he'll be fine in a couple of days. Now let's talk about the mission, We're supposed to bomb a showing of the some new ships for the Empire. It will be simple just like on Empire Day a couple months ba..." I didn't finish as Zeb interrupted me.
      "Oi Kanan if you remember correctly we almost got caught, killed, and our ship almost got blown to smithereens."
      I sighed, "I know but this is an opportunity that we can't pass up. Sabine you are gonna cause the distraction, Zeb you'll help me plant the bombs and Hera will make sure we have a quick escape. Everyone got it?" They all nodded. "Well I'm gonna go check on the kid." I stood up and I was about to open the door when I heard Sabine ask me something.
      "What are we gonna do with Ezra? I mean we can't bring him on the mission 'cause he's sick and we shouldn't have him on the ship I mean what if we are being chased and shot at like last time."
      I haven't really thought of that but I quickly find a solution, "Why don't we drop him off at his tower for the day and when we're done we'll pick him up."
      Hera was the one to speak up this time, "Well I would say it's a lot safer for him in his tower than on a ship that could get shot down at any moment."
      "So it's agreed that we'll drop him off at his tower for the day before and the day of the mission?" I asked. Everyone nodded and Chopper said 'yes' at least that's what Hera translated from him. "Okay then I think we should get some stuff for him to help him out. So Hera I think you should make some soup for him. And maybe Zeb and Sabine could you try and find a heavy blanket so he could stay warm. I'll get a small container of medicine for him." Everyone nodded and went to go get the supplies for Ezra (except for Hera who would like the soup to be fresh and who still needs to fly the ship). I walked to the med bay and opened the door to see Ezra still asleep. I smiled since he actually followed my suggestion for once. I went around the room and pulled out a couple tablets of fever reducer, pain pills (just in case), a few other stuff he might need for minor injuries. I went over to my student and checked his temperature. 102.1, still pretty high but it went down a lot. Once I gathered the medicine and the rest of the stuff I went back to the cockpit for a few seconds. I walked in and saw Hera, "Hey Hera I'm gonna go rest up a bit. Call me on my com if you need me."
      Without turning around she replied, "Okay love go get some rest." I tuned around and headed to my room. I layed down and I went into a blissful sleep.
Authors Note:
Hey everyone I know I was supposed to post this yesterday but I got busy with chores. Here are some shout outs to these people. First let me thank  EmilyBray0 for being the first to add my story to their reading list. Next a big thanks to KymberliHumphrey who was the first to follow me, vote on my first two chapters, and commented on my story. Thank you again. I hope you liked this story so far.

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