Chapter 2

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Kanan POV
      I knew something was wrong with Ezra. I knew it after he fell to the ground. "EZRA!" I yelled as I jogged the way to his side. I knelt next I felt his head, and it was burning up. I knew now that he was sick. 'Wait did he knew about this? Well I'm guessing he did cause if he just got it then he wouldn't be passing out so he must've known about,' I thought to myself. I picked him up and rushed to the Ghost which luckily for me wasn't to far away. I ran into Hera on the way to the med bay and she almost knocked me down luckily I caught my balance. Hera was a little less lucky as she fell to the floor. "Sorry Hera, are you okay?"
      She started standing up brushing off some dirt from her pilot's suit, "Yeah I'm okay it was..." She stopped as I'm guessing when she saw Ezra in my arms. I could feel strong waves of worry come off of her, "Kanan what happened to Ezra?"
      "How 'bout we get him to the med bay first cause honestly I don't know for sure I just have an idea of what's wrong," I answered walking fast to the med bay with Hera not far behind. I walked up to the door and opened it. When it opened I went to the med bay bed to my left and gently set him on it. I started seeing a slight shiver so I got one of the warm blankets we kept in there and draped it over his body. Hera must've finally deduced that Ezra was sick for she stuck a thermometer in my padawans mouth. We waited a minute or two until we heard a beep. Hera grabbed it and soon she set it down and was looking in the cabinet that we keep our usual everyday medicine. I picked up the thermometer and kinda got worried. Ezra temperature was a 102.8°F. 'Why didn't he tell someone he was sick. I mean we've could've...' I was snapped out of my thoughts when Hera shook me.
      "Love he's gonna be alright just a fever. After he takes some fever reducer he should be good within a couple of days." She said.
I looked at her and nodded, "Okay so what do we do now?" I asked.
      She replied, "Well I need to go back to the cockpit to wait for Zeb, 'cause he said he was going on a quick trip to the market with Sabine but if I know them they'll get in trouble which means I'm gonna need to stay there but I need you to wake Ezra up and get him to take the medicine, okay."
      "Got it see you later." Hera was about to turn to leave when I remembered something, "Wait Hera when they get back make sure they stay in the cockpit I want everyone there for the mission briefing."
      "Got it love." Hera left the med bay and now it was time for me to try and wake up Ezra. I turned to him but I didn't want to wake him for he looked so innocent and child like when he's sleeping. But he needs this medicine so I try wake him up. "Ezra time to wake up," I gently said while rubbing my hand up his arm from his elbow to his shoulder and back down. At first he didn't move which got me worried but when I repeated it he groaned and his eyes fluttered open slightly.
      "Kanan?" He asked in a very hoarse voice. Then he took a deep breath which turned into a coughing fit. The coughing passed a couple seconds later, "What happened?"
      I sighed, although I was mad at the kid for not telling us that he was sick, I couldn't stay that way for long when I looked into his bright blue eyes, "You passed out on our way to your training session, you were running a fever. Which reminds me," I walked over to the counter and picked up the bottle of fever reducer. I opened it and got two small white pills, "here take these it will help with the fever." The kid took the pills and he popped them into his mouth and then chugged the water Hera sat on the counter that was next to him. "Hey I want you to stay here, I'll be back in about 15 minutes. Rest while I'm gone, okay?"
      "Yeah, okay," he said with a weak laugh. He closed his eyes and I gave a small laugh and a smile. Then I left for the mission briefing.

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