Chapter 7

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Ezra's POV
      I was asleep for what felt like minutes before I was being shook awake by someone. I opened my eyes slightly to see Kanan shaking me. He looks at me, "You're finally up, we arrived at Lothal and we want to go get you settled and taken care of before we have to leave." I looked back at him and nodded. I got up but my foot slipped from underneath of me. Luckily Kanan was close enough and he caught me. "Maybe I should help you." I gave an embarrassed smile and walked with the support of my master. We finally made it to the ramp where Hera, Sabine, and Zeb were waiting for us. They smiled at me and I smiled back.
      "Hey you guys," I said to them, giving them my signature smirk.
      They all smiled to see that smirk of mine and said in unison, "Hey Ezra." I tried breathing in a big breathe of air, but it failed as I went into another coughing fit. Kanan rubbed soothing circles on my back and waited until it passed. When I finally stopped coughing they walked towards the ladder on the old communications tower. Sabine went on up first, then Hera, me, Zeb, and finally Kanan. It was going well until my foot slipped and I hit my head. Luckily Zeb was there to catch me; however a couple steps up I slipped from Zeb's shoulder and fell, but Kanan latched on to the ladder and used his free hand to grab me but was unsuccessful. So in a panic he threw out his had and used the force to catch me before I came into contact with the ground. He used his strength to get me to a point where Hera and Sabine could pull me up.
      "Kanan you can let go we have him," Sabine called down. He released the strain of using the force and opened his eyes to see that Zeb was holding his hand out for Kanan to grab. Kanan smiled and grabbed the hand firmly in his. Once he made sure he had him, he unlatched himself from the ladder and Zeb pulled him up the last little bit. I felt Kanan start to relax a little once his body was on the platform.
      He caught his breath, "Yeah let's never do that again." I looked down at the ground. Hera came over and knelt next to me.
      "Ezra are you okay? How's your head?" Hera asked fussing with me.
      I replied, "Yeah Hera I'm okay and my head just hurts a little from the bar, no biggie." She got up and helped me to my feet and got me into the tower. I walked over to my old bed and sat on the edge. Hera began to fuss over me again only this time Kanan helped.
      "Do you need any medicine? Or some water? Or maybe the blanket?" Kanan asked in hopes of finding something to help me somehow.
      I was getting a little frustrated, "Kanan do you know what I do want something." My master perked up a little at this.
      "What is it? Anything you want I'll get for you," he said.
      "I want you to relax," I said, "man Kanan you sound like Hera when she's in Mother Hen Mode." I chuckled and then Kanan chuckled to. Soon Sabine and Zeb joined. Hera remained silent with a scowl on her face.
      "I do not have a Mother Hen mode," she said trying to be mad about it but she too soon started laughing along. We were all having fun until a couple of beeps were heard. Hera looked down at her watch, "We have about ten minutes before we have to leave." I was gonna say just go now that I'll be fine, but Sabine spoke up before I could.
      "Guys could you leave me and Ezra to talk in private for a minute or two?" She asked.
      "Sure but I have to talk to Ezra alone too." said Zeb. Hera and Kanan said the same. I wonder what's so important that they have to tell me now. The three crew members left and Sabine and I were alone.
      "So look Ezra I'm just gonna say it I read that journal of yours but only the entry you wrote this morning about how this was your worst dream. Well I just wanna say that I love you as my little brother too. I always had," Sabine said.
      "I love you as my big sister even though we're only half a year apart," I said. She smiled and then she gave me a hug. She left and a moment later Zeb walked in and sat down.
       "So listen Ezra I know you think of me as an older brother and I think of you as that too. I always thought of you like that since you joined the crew," the lasat admitted. I smiled at the thought of having two siblings. Then Zeb gave me a hug ('or a bro hug' as he called it). He got up and left but then Hera walked in and took his place.
      "Ezra after I left you to rest and was going to wash out your bowl you said something and I wanted to make sure I heard you right," she said.
      I looked at her and asked, "What did I say?"
      She smiled as she gave me my answer, "You said 'Thanks mom' and I wanted to know is that how you really think of me?" I looked at her and nodded and then shyed away thinking she might say that she's the captain and my friend but nothing more. Then caught by surprise she pulled me into a bone crushing hug, "Oh Ezra I'm so happy you said that cause I think of you as my son. Oh I love you Ezra." I looked at her shocked for a moment but then I hugged back.
      "I love you too Hera," I said as she held me and placed a kiss on my forehead just like what my mom used to do for me. She left the room and was replaced with Kanan now he sat on the bed.
      "So Ezra I just wanted to tell you something but I got beat to it already, but I'm still gonna tell you. I was hoping it didn't sound weird or anything but it might. It's just that I always saw you as the son I never had, and I was wondering do you feel the same?"
      Once he finished I quickly lunged for him and wrapped him in a tight embrace, "Yes I always felt like you were my new dad and I wanted you to be one but thought we had to keep at a Master and Padawan bond. I'm so happy."
      We stayed like this for a couple of minutes before he said, "Now I have to leave but I'll come back I promise. Goodnight son see you tomorrow." He leaned down and ruffled my hair just like my dad used to do.
      "Goodnight dad see you soon," I said as he turned off the lights and left. I soon fell asleep, smiling and had a great dream of me and the crew living in peace as a family.
Authors Note:
Man I'm just writing such lengthy chapters recently. Oh well but thanks for reading so far. Make sure to comment, vote, and add to your reading list. Please share with your followers or anyone else who would like this. Also if you haven't seen it on my page I made a new story out called 'Scars' and it is another Star Wars Rebels fanfic but I promise that I will be doing a different series next. Thanks again everyone for your support.

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