Chapter 4

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Hera's POV
      After Kanan went to get some rest I stayed in the cockpit for a couple of hours making sure everything was in order. I looked at the holoclock. 5:24 p.m., 'a perfect time to go get some dinner,' I thought to myself. I clicked the button for the com on the ship, "Chopper come to the cockpit now." As soon as I switched it off Chopper came rolling in.
      "Weep woop woop," he asked as he came in. Luckily I knew exactly what he said, 'What do you need?' I translated.
      "Chopper I just need you to take over watching for Imperials while I go eat some dinner and check up on Ezra. Please Chops?"
      I waited for a reply. "Wo," or translated as 'Yes.'
      "Thanks Chop I'll be back soon," I said as I stood up and opened the door to walk to the common room which had a small kitchen and table. I walked in and I see Zeb pigging out and Sabine was sketching in a book that we knew was her idea book. "Hey you guys," I said as I walked over to the fridge and opened it to get my sandwiches I made for myself earlier. As I looked I didn't see them. I turned around and looked at Zeb accusingly. "Hey Zeb is there anything you want to tell me?" I asked. He looked at me nervously.
      "Um..." he gulped then continued, "no why would you ask?"
      "So, what did you have for dinner?" I ask but I know the answer.
      "Um just yeah just some blumfruit, some shuura, and some muja. Just some we had lying in the bowl. Hehe," he said and laughed nervously again. Yeah that settles it he ate my sandwiches. Now just to see if Sabine saw anything.
      "Hey Sabine did you see if Zeb ate those sandwiches in the fridge?" I asked.
      Sabine looked over at Zeb and then gave him a smirk, "Oh yeah Hera he definitely are those sandwiches I mean you know Ezra couldn't because he's still in the med bay, Kanan went to his room a couple hours ago and I just came out here about a half hour ago to see Zeb eating a sandwich with lettuce,tomato, and some type of meat."
      "Okay I did eat it but I didn't know it was yours I mean...." He stopped after I interrupted him.
      "You know what I'm not mad at you for eating my sandwiches that much but I am mad at how you lied to me so here is your punishment. First you're going to make me my sandwiches since you ate mine. And then you're going to clean the outside of the ship since you decided to lie. Does that sound fair Sabine?"
      Sabine smiled, "Oh I think that is perfect knowing that Zeb hates doing anything other than sleeping,eating,or bashing stormtroopers heads together."
      I smiled at her comment. I look over at Zeb and said, "Well go make my sandwich and fast so you have time to clean the ship." Zeb groaned but went over to the fridge and got stuff out to make the food. "Well while you do that I'm gonna go check up on Ezra," I said. I walked out of the door towards the med bay. I opened the door and I see sitting up yawning. He spot me.
      "Oh hey Hera," he said in a scratchy voice, "what's up?"
      I looked at him, "Hey Ezra. Nothing much just checking up on you, seeing how you are. So do you need anything?"
      "Nothing that I can't get," he said as he got out of bed.
      I sighed, "Ezra please stay here you need to rest." After I got him back into bed I draped the blanket over him. "Now would you like something to eat?" I asked and not a second later his stomach gave a low growl, "I'll take that as a yes then. I'll be right back with some soup." I walked out towards the kitchen again. I get in there and I see my sandwiches on a plate in the spot I was sitting and no Zeb in sight. I walked over and started making some soup for Ezra.
      "Hey Hera how's Ezra?" asked Sabine.
      "Well he's up, I'm making him some soup right now," I answered. I finished making it and walked out back to the med bay. I walk in and Ezra was throwing his guts up. I set the bowl down quickly and held up his hair. I rubbed soothing circles on his back and once he was done I let his hair fall but did not stop the circles. "Better?" I asked.
      "Yeah a little bit," he said as he sat up a little.
      I stopped rubbing his back to get up and grab the soup, "Would you like some soup?" He gave a slight but distinguishable nod. I handed him the soup and he ate small spoonfuls. And soon he set the bowl down.
      "I'm full," he said. I nodded and picked up the half empty bowl. "Hey Hera I'm probably gonna just get some rest."
      I nodded again and gave a small smile, "Okay just call on your com if you need anything." I walked to the door and opened it before the door closed I heard a small voice.
      "Thanks mom," I turned around to look at Ezra hoping I heard him correctly, but I turned and saw he was already asleep. I smiled full smile.
      "Goodnight my son," I whispered back and walked back to the common room to eat my dinner and think a little bit more on what I just heard.
Authors Note:
Hey everyone sorry this was a more lengthy chapter than my others but I didn't have much to right about. Plus the ending is pretty important to what happens soon. Thank you for reading this and supporting me.

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