The Journey back to the village

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Tanjiro gets up sweaty and walks out into the was a blood moon that day. 

K - hey...You ok tanjiro?

Tanjiro looks back and sees kanao.

T - Uh yeah sorry...I had a nightmare...I think...

Tanjiro explains what happened.

"If you want to know about Yorrichi, you should return to the swordsmith's village. The people there have been smiths for centuries and are likely to know something about Yorrichi," Kanao suggested.

T - Right...But you know I might not be back for long...

K - I will come with you...

T - But its dangero-

K - Look here mister I'm a demon slayer who achieved a high rank faster than you. I think I'm capable enough.

Tanjiro sighs *can't convince her once she is fixed on something*."Alright then..." he says in defeat

T -" It might be better to stay awhile and spend time with family and friends before we leave"

K -" will zenitsu and inosuke join us?"

T -"Of course"

A few days pass by and tanjiro grows restless.

K - Hey Tanjiro..? we are going to leave tomorrow. get your stuff ready and sleep well. there will be a long day ahead of us

Tanjiro nods and heads to Shinobu's room and sees her sitting on the porch

T - Uh Shinobu-san?

S - Yes Tanjiro? do you need anything? I heard you will be leaving tomorrow.

T - Uh no just wanted to talk...

"Oh come on in and sit down then!"She says patting the space next to her.

Tanjiro sits down and they talk for a while. As Tanjiro was getting up he asked,

T - Shinobu...Do you think... I can save this world...?

S - I know you will Tanjiro..

Tanjiro gets up and opens the door

S - Know that Me and the other Hashiras are training everyone here for the battle too.

Tanjiro nodded, his thoughts heavy with the weight of the impending journey. He retreated to his room to gather his belongings and tried to find some rest. 

However, as he tossed and turned, plagued by sleeplessness he managed to doze off but with it, it brought a barrage of nightmares.

he saw the Hashiras dying one by one, and his family's accusing voices echoed in his ears. 

Kanao comforted him through the long hours of the night. Tanjiro was grateful for her help though he felt comfortable, He knew that if he didn't work now these days of comfort would soon be mere memories of a dead world he couldn't save.

He woke up reluctantly and started gathering all their things. He went to the others' room and woke them up.

Z - Ugh I hate early mornings...I wanna sleep..

Inosuke woke up instantly and started packing. during his training, Aoi watched over him and kept him in check so his behaviour changed drastically but is still maniacal. though during battle, he is calm and composed.

Now tanjiro looked at all of them and noted everyone coming: Zenitsu, Inosuke, Aoi, Kanao, and Nezuko.

After a month of travel, they finally reached the swordsmith village. As they arrived, they were greeted with immense warmth and gratitude. 

Tanjiro was hailed as a savior of the village, and the villagers welcomed him with open arms.

After a few hours, they got to a small house in the corner of the village with lots of training equipment. He knew that he had to start training quickly. He gathered everyone and told them a plan of action for the time they had left.

Tanjiro explains" There is little hope but we need to make sure we take that chance no matter how small it may seem. We will train very vigorously every day for the entire year. in the mornings we will explore the village and find clues about Muzan and Yorichii. In the afternoon we will spar and train till evening and at night we rest."

"There will be little trouble for us as we got permission from the Ubuyashiki-Sama so we will be on break from missions and will only train"Kanao adds

Zenitsu and inosuke nod as they leave for the day to explore since it is their first day there. Nezuko was sleeping in a futon while tanjiro and Kanao were sparring in the midday sun.

After a few hours of sparring, they bathed and packed their stuff so that they could go explore the village for info and meet up with Zenitsu and Inosuke.

when they met up Aoi was dragging Inosuke by his ear for stealing food from a villager.

Tanjiro and kanao looked at each other and nodded, They knew what was going on [ :} ].

I - Gompanchiro! I found something! Apparently there used to be a large ruin in the eastern mountain but was sealed off due to ghostly sightings. Apparently, they saw a ghostly being walking around all over the place.

Tanjiro immediately sets off toward the mountains with kanao tailing behind him.

A/N: And done.Sorry I've had exams for a few days and had to prepare as well as I've just been overall busy. I wanted to write and I'm skipping homework for this. I'll write it after this is posted.

I also want to thank each and every one of you deeply for your immense support I could have never ever continued this book if it wasn't for your support. I am so glad to have such amazing people helping me with feedback and tips as well as opinions in the comments. if I can please have at least a minute in this chapter and your reading time please write a comment on your opinions good or bad i want to learn from my mistakes and know what people like.

Again Thank you

A/n Out

Words: 921

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