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Tanjiro woke up from a nightmare. he was sweating all over, hyperventilating and he couldn't get back to sleep. it was midnight, and he found kanao fast asleep on his chest.

The nightmare had brought him to tears, it was about the people he loved getting tortured to death. It was grim. he put his palm on his face only to feel tears racing down his face.

Kanao had woken up to see tanjiro in such a state, she asked about what had happened with great concern in her voice. 

Tanjiro explained the nightmare to her. she was sad for him.

"wanna go outside for a walk"kanao suggested to which tanjiro accepted still with tears lingering around his eyes threatening to fall.

they went outside, talked, and shared their childhood stories. Both of them seemed to have very similar and tragic childhoods.

They went back in and slept and kanao shifted to a bed next to Tanijiro. 

it was morning. Tanjiro woke up to kanao missing from her bed. He knew something was off.

He muttered"Water breathing-Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent"

He splashed around and went into the forest trying to smell her scent. he picked up her scent and rushed over. kanao was about to be slashed by a demon in a cave. She was Unconcious and couldn't protect herself

"you filthy slayers deserve to die..hahaha!"The demon yelled proudly before slashing her arm.

"Twilight breathing: Moonlit stars!"He Cried as a streak of purple, and black streaks followed his blade

"die Slayer!" he cried before he was about to kill her but his hands and legs were cut off before he could even see tanjiro. he saw the bloodied kanao. she woke up in pain and tanjiro assured her safety and went back to attack but he was somehow stronger than before. no amount of training can do that overnight 

kanao saw something weird but she thought it was her imagination...

kanao saw something weird but she thought it was her imagination

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"No way that was real right....?" she thought to herself

after a while of battling, he killed the demon and picked up kanao bridal style, and flew back 

kanao informed the eye situation to Shinobu. Shinobu wanted to experiment on him but kanao boldly refused and argued over it. Shinobu finally gave up and promised to not experiment on him.

she went back to tanjiro with a cloth around her arm. Tanjiro apologized for his late rescue but kanao assured him that she was fine and that she might have been killed if it weren't for him.

Kanao decided to talk about the eyes during nighttime when no one would listen.

Aoi and inosuke were in the kitchen, Aoi was making food and inosuke was stealing it. Aoi called him out"Hey! You can't eat that yet!!"

inosuke ran and Aoi tried to catch him but they ended up tripping, Aoi fell on Inosuke and his mask fell off. Aoi was embarrassed and got beet red at the sight of his face. Tanjiro and kanao walked in on them.

"Yeah...I'm just gonna go see what nezuko's doing"Tanjiro said while slowly creeping away

"ill- uh- Go with him!" she said as she followed the red-haired boy.

They heard "HEYYYY! COME BACK!!!" as they were going to his guest room in the mansion where nezuko was sleeping. he reluctantly woke her up and she hugged her brother. Kanao saw their bond and smiled.

"I'm gonna go get some water. ill be right back" tanjiro said putting his sister's head on the pillow

nezuko seemed uncomfortable so she crept up to kanao who was sitting on her knees leaning on a wall and she slept in her lap. she also slept with the peaceful demon after all she just had gotten into a fight.

Tanjiro walked in and saw them sleeping and decided to join them. He went in and slept beside kanao and nezuko after covering them in a thin blanket. 

he had slept in a matter of minutes and they all slept until the afternoon

after a  couple of hours, inosuke barges in and yells at them to wake up so that they can eat lunch

kanao woke u slowly after tanjiro and was flushed at the thought of her sleeping next to him twice

after lunch Kanao and tanjiro trained while zenitsu and inosuke went out on a mission

it became evening quicker than they thought. Tanjiro took kanao by her hand and they both jumped to the roof of the mansion.

"hey kanao.I want you to promise me something..."Tanjiro said with a Quiet voice

"Sure. What is it..."Kanao enquired with concern.

"I overheard your conversation with Shinobu this morning and i-" he said before getting cut off by kanao

"I'm so sorry for not telling you that I told her!"Kanao  exclaimed

"It's fine...Just promise me..." Tanjiro said with a Dull and quiet voice 

he paused before continuing

"That you will kill me if I were ever to harm Anyone..."

Kanao realized what he had said.

"How could you say that?! Me? killing you?!"She yelled

She Paused and looked into tanjiro's eyes in with tears in  hers 

"Did you even think about how I could even try to kill someone who I care about, who had shown me how to live my life with my own choices!?"

she scolded tanjiro before breaking down and crying into Tanjiro's chest

Tanjiro assured her that he would try and kanao calmed down after apologizing for her crying

She was still angry at him but she decided to give him a chance.

they talked about training methods and some safe experiments like if he is weaker in daylight or not, did the form affect his breathing style, Etcetera...

it had gotten late so they went back in, and waved to each other before going to bed.

A/n: hey! um...Yeah sorry about the past few weeks ik ik too many excuses I apologize so please forgive me. I had taken more time to write this even though I have another exam tomorrow and the last week was full of exams from Wednesday or Tuesday till Saturday and yes we have school on Saturday. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm open to suggestions and advice on this book and my writing style overall so please send me your feedback.

A/n Out! cya in the next chapter!

Words - - - 1035

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