Tanjiro's Birthday.[Filler]

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Tanjiro had always been a hardworking and determined person, and since the day he had become a Demon Slayer, his focus on training had intensified even more. He spent most of his days honing his skills, learning new techniques, and studying the behavior and weaknesses of demons.

Despite his unwavering dedication to his duties, Tanjiro was still a kind-hearted person who cared deeply about his family and friends. He had a close bond with his younger sister Nezuko, who had been turned into a demon but managed to retain her human emotions and loyalty to her brother. Tanjiro's other friends and fellow Demon Slayers, Inosuke and Zenitsu, also respected him greatly and often relied on his guidance and leadership.

However, amidst all the training and demon-hunting, Tanjiro had forgotten an important date - his own birthday. It was only a few days after the picnic, and he had completely overlooked it.

Tanjiro had always been a hard worker, and today was no exception. He had woken up at the crack of dawn and began his training regimen with great intensity. Kanao watched him from a distance, her eyes following his every move with admiration and respect. She had always looked up to Tanjiro, ever since they had met during their training as Demon Slayers.

Despite the fact that Kanao had always been shy and reserved, she had developed strong feelings for Tanjiro over time. She admired his determination, his kindness, and his unwavering loyalty to his friends and family. She knew that he was not the type to give up easily and that he would always do everything in his power to protect those he cared about.

Tanjro noticed the watchful eyes of kanao staring at him. he walked up to her and asked her to join him for breakfast with kanao quickly accepted. They ate in silence.

Kanao went off and talked to the others to surprise tanjiro for his big day. He would officially be turning 16.

Kanao had spent the morning arranging materials for Tanjiro's birthday surprise, but now it was time for her to put her plan into action. She knew that Tanjiro was too focused on his training to even remember that it was his birthday, so she had come up with a plan to distract him while their friends decorated.

"Hey, Tanjiro," Kanao said, putting on her most innocent expression. "I was thinking, we should go out and get some supplies for our next mission. I heard there's a market nearby that has some good deals."

Tanjiro looked up from his training, his brows furrowed. "I don't know, Kanao. I really need to focus on my training today."

Kanao smiled sweetly. "I know, Tanjiro. But it's important to take a break every once in a while, you know? And besides, we won't be gone for long. Just a quick trip to the market."

Tanjiro hesitated for a moment, then sighed. "Okay, you're right. Let's go."

As they walked through the crowded streets of the nearby village, Kanao kept Tanjiro engaged in conversation, asking him about his training and his goals as a Demon Slayer. She was careful not to mention his birthday, knowing that it would ruin the surprise.

Meanwhile, back at the base, their friends were busy decorating for Tanjiro's surprise party. They had strung up colorful lanterns and streamers, set out a table filled with food and drinks, and even baked a cake. Everyone was excited to celebrate Tanjiro's special day.

Meanwhile, tanjiro and kanao had been walking all around town shopping. Tanjiro knew something was off about kanao but he couldn't quite place his finger on what so he just ignored it.

Kanao and Tanjiro had finished shopping and had decided to stop at a small restaurant for lunch. As they sat down at a table and started looking at the menu, Kanao couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. She had been secretly in love with Tanjiro for a long time, and this felt like more than just a casual outing. It felt like a date.

Tanjiro Kamado: The Demonic HeirHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin