A Dream...

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Tanjiro cautiously returned to the Butterfly Mansion. He realized the imminent danger lurking in the shadows. Muzan was out to kill Nezuko, the first demon to conquer the sun's rays.

Determined to become stronger and protect his little sister, Tanjiro wasted no time and planned to begin his training right away. He caught up with Zenitsu and Inosuke, explaining the dire situation they faced with Muzan. They knew they weren't ready to face him just yet.

As the night settled in, Inosuke and Zenitsu went to sleep, but Tanjiro's mind was restless. The thought of Nezuko's safety kept him wide awake. He knew that he had to become stronger, for it was the only way he could protect her from Muzan.

Driven by determination, Tanjiro couldn't sleep that night. As the new day dawned, he felt an unwavering resolve in his heart. He knew Nezuko's safety relied on his strength, so he began training earlier and harder than ever.

Day and night blended as Tanjiro devoted himself tirelessly to mastering his Breathing techniques. With each breath, he channeled his emotions, focusing on honing his skills. The weight of responsibility was heavy, but he refused to let it hold him back.

Through sweat and perseverance, he pushed his limits, refusing to give up even when exhaustion threatened to overwhelm him. Failure wasn't an option; he understood the urgency of protecting his loved ones in the coming battle.

After a few days, Kanao noticed Tanjiro's restlessness. Despite his efforts to maintain a smile and offer reassuring words, she could see through his lies.

It was challenging for others to recognize his inner turmoil, but Kanao's keen observation skills allowed her to see beyond his lies. Though he tried to reassure them that he was okay, Kanao sensed the weight he carried in his heart.

K - Hey Tanjiro..?Are you okay

T - Uh..Yeah, i am! see Im more energetic than ever! See I'm fi-

K - Don't lie to me Tanjiro...

A moment of silence followed her interruption."Now tell me are you okay?"Kanao repeated her question. Tanjiro knew he had to hide it but also knew he couldn't even if he tried to..kanao is persistent and would find out easily.

 In his silence, Kanao felt pain. She ran up to him and hugged him tightly not letting go of him. She felt his ribs and knew he was starving himself but she simply didn't know why. After a few seconds, he got out of her comforting embrace.

K - "Now tell me what happened"

Tanjiro didn't tell anyone of his secret training and how it was affecting him and just lied to kanao that he was sacred of muzan kanao knew he was lying but knew he must have been hiding it for a good reason so she ignored it 

As the days passed, Kanao took it upon herself to care for Tanjiro with immense dedication. She led him to the kitchen and cooked nourishing meals, gently persuading him to eat even when he lacked the appetite. Her persistent efforts continued day after day, as she made sure he got the sustenance he needed to regain his strength.

Despite the visible progress he made through his challenging training, it was evident that his body had paid a price. The toll of pushing himself to the limit began to show, leaving him weakened and vulnerable to illness.

That night, his condition took a turn for the worse. Torn between the urge to rest and the desire to keep pushing forward, Tanjiro found himself in deep contemplation. The weariness weighed heavily on him, making the decision difficult. He finally decided it was best for him to sleep.

he was only getting little sleep but that sleep too was with weird dreams...


On that chilly night, Tanjiro and Nezuko found themselves inside a mysterious house. As they cautiously explored the surroundings, a figure emerged from the shadows - Yoriichi.

Yoriichi's voice echoed softly in the dimly lit room, "Hello, child. I see the mark of the chosen one upon you."

Tanjiro was both startled and intrigued. He tried to respond, but his words seemed to escape him as if the very air held a mysterious silence.

"You cannot speak in this dimension," Yoriichi continued, his presence exuding an aura of ancient wisdom. "Fear not, for I stand by your side, a friend from beyond the veils of reality."

"In your heart and mind lies untapped power," Yoriichi cryptically conveyed. "Train, my student. Embrace the demon within."

"Listen closely," Yoriichi's voice echoed mysteriously, "Demons aren't all evil; they lack understanding of pain. You hold great power, for you are The Master of the Three Styles and the Chosen One. But there's more within you, a power you've used only once. Unleash it again, and defeat Muzan."

Yoriichi's gaze seemed to hold ancient wisdom. "You have untapped potential. There's a hidden force inside you, waiting to be unleashed. The embodiment of darkness resides within you..You are The Light and The Darkness...What the books and history say isn't all there is to me..find the true me.. "

Tanjiro woke up panting and confused

A/n: Hey! I'm getting kinda busy lately sorry.I am getting tons of work at school and come home really late from it.so i kinda can't write as frequently but ill still try. This book will end around 25 chapters.

Also THANKS FOR 2K! ^-^!!!!I seriously can't imagine why anyone would like my work when there is like a million better writers but i still am unimaginably happy that you like my book.

Anyways its getting late

A/n out!

Words :  908

Tanjiro Kamado: The Demonic HeirOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant