The Sword Of The Strongest.

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A hidden surprise awaited within as the doll's head crumbled—a sword. Tanjiro immediately recognized it as the sword he had seen in his recurring dreams. This wasn't just any ordinary sword—it was the legendary blade that belonged to Yorrichi Tsukiguni, renowned as the strongest of all swords.

While Tanjiro's excitement got the better of him, causing him to jump around, he inadvertently exhausted the little energy he had left. Overwhelmed by fatigue, he collapsed unconscious on the ground. while Tanjiro was asleep, Haganezuka Hotaru, a skilled swordsmith, seized the opportunity and approached Kotaru.

Recognizing the state of the sword, which had rusted and dulled over the course of a century, Hotaru decided to take it for repairs. Understanding the importance of restoring its former glory, Hotaru planned to bring back the sword's sharpness and strength, ensuring it could once again serve as a formidable weapon in the hands of its rightful owner.

As Tanjiro regained consciousness and immediately inquired about the sword. Kotaru informed him that Haganezuka had taken it for sharpening, assuring Tanjiro that it would be returned within a week. Relieved to know that the precious blade was in capable hands, Tanjiro expressed gratitude to Kotaru for arranging the sword's much-needed restoration.

tanjiro went back to his small house given to him for his stay in the village. he had eaten like never before and slept but woke up to a loud thud...

Within the village, an Upper Moon demon had launched its invasion. This particular Upper Moon took the form of an elderly man, and Muichiro, like his companions, sensed an unmistakable aura of malevolence emanating from it. Despite the demon's pleas for mercy, Muichiro swiftly decapitated it, believing it to be defeated. However, to their shock, the demon unexpectedly split into two separate entities. Muichiro wasted no time and shashed them both again. Then those two further multiplied into four.

[I really don't wanna even try to get their names right so I'm just gonna refer to them by their type of power.]

The wind demon used his leaf fan to throw Muichiro into the wilderness. He was trying to get back but before he knew it another upper moon had started attacking Kotaru.

Muichiro heard his screams and was about to ignore them but he got a flashback 


T- Whatever you do for others comes around to you in the end too..

Flashback end

he jumps in front of the giant fish minion and starts attacking it defeating it in one slash.

and then As Muichiro carried Kotaru in his arms, sprinting towards the village, his senses heightened. His sharp gaze fell upon a seemingly innocuous pot near a small shed, and in an instant, he recognized it for what it truly was—a demon. To his horror, it was none other than Upper Moon 4, Gyokko, concealed within that very vessel.

Gyokko, revealing his true form, emerged from the pot, exuding an eerie presence. Knowing that he was facing a formidable opponent, Muichiro readied himself for the impending battle, understanding the weight of the responsibility that lay upon him to protect the village and defeat this treacherous Upper Moon.

As Tanjiro and his companions engaged in combat against the four versions of Upper Moons, it became painfully evident that they were facing an incredibly difficult and challenging battle. "Hard time" was an understatement to describe the intensity and ferocity of the fight. The scene around them was one of devastation, with rubble strewn everywhere, houses reduced to ruins, and fallen swordsmiths.

T- Hinokami kagura:Dragon head halo sun dance!

With a swift and precise motion, Tanjiro managed to slash all three heads of the Upper Moons simultaneously. His well-honed skills and determination allowed him to execute the attack flawlessly, leaving his opponents stunned and momentarily incapacitated. In that crucial moment, he placed his trust in Genya, believing that him and nezuko would handle the remaining Upper Moon.

As Tanjiro's gaze turned towards Genya, his heart filled with relief to see that they had successfully decapitated the demon they were facing. Hope swelled within him, knowing that they were one step closer to victory. However, his attention quickly shifted to a smaller version of the demon that still needed to be dealt with. Determined to end the threat once and for all, Tanjiro sprinted towards the diminutive demon, ready to deliver the decisive blow.

Yet, just as he was about to swing his sword, a powerful force struck him, hurling him backward with tremendous force. Tanjiro's body collided with the ground, causing pain to ripple through his limbs. There it was another Younger form of the upper moon.

tanjiro wasted no time and started attacking it to but it summoned wooden dragons and they started to attack tanjiro.

T- Twilight breathing: Second form-Eternal night

[The user leaps into the air with agile grace, swiftly twirling and slashing through the surrounding atmosphere. With each powerful stroke, a series of dynamic cuts materialized, forming a small sphere of energy around the user. The unleashed cuts dispersed in various directions, radiating outwards. The impact of these leaves a trail of devastation in their wake.]

As the relentless assault continued, numerous wooden dragons met their demise, further fueling the fury of the enraged demon. The demon, driven by anger, intensified its attacks, summoning a seemingly endless wave of dragons to overwhelm Tanjiro. However, utilizing the combined power of Twilight Breathing and Sun Breathing, he skillfully countered the onslaught.

But as Tanjiro jumped and remained airborne, a sudden turn of events unfolded. One of the dragons snatched him in its jaws, trapping and crushing them within its grip. Desperation filled the air as time seemed to slow. However, salvation arrived in the form of Mitsuri Kanroji, the Love Hashira, who appeared with astonishing grace and swift action.

Upon being released from the dragon's grasp, the user swiftly descended to the ground, allowing Mitsuri to engage the demon in battle. Taking a moment to catch his breath and gather his strength, he observed the ongoing clash between Mitsuri and the demon, assessing the situation with a strategic eye. Sensing the opportune moment to join the fray, he propelled himself forward, dashing behind Mitsuri as they fought side by side.

A/N; hellooooooo thereeeeeee its meeeee.Uh yeah, so what happened was that I had been a lazy idiot and had not been writing this book. it took me this much time to restart writing so I hope you enjoy the book!

also, I want to thank each and every one of you for reading my book! It makes me feel SOO happy to see people actually reading and commenting on my books. I also want to thank you and say sorry for not uploading on my set and nonexistent upload schedule ^-^'. 


A/n out!

Words : 1111

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