Chapter Thirteen

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(This chapter will be them in walmart and out of walmart)

Finneys POV:

We just made it to Walmart and went to go get a cart, we had idea what we wanted to buy. "What are we even going to buy?" Vance asked. "I was just thinking that." i responded. "Oh my god! BRUCE! Take a picture of us in a shopping cart." Griffin said.

Bruce took the picture of Billy and Griffin in the cart and me holding it. Once he took the picture he gave the phone back to Griffin. "The quality is shit." Griffin said to Bruce. "How is that my fault? You are the one who has a phone that is a literal fossil!" Bruce replied while rolling his eyes. "DAMNN" Robin yelled. "Ugh whateverrr." Griffin said back as he scoffed.

"Can we goin the actual store now?" I said. "For real like what are we doing out here still?" Vance added. "Okay but wait, one more picture before we go inside." Robin said. "Oh my fucking god.. okay." I said. "We all need to be in this photo so.. HEY! YOU LADY!!" Robin yelled. "OH MY GOD ROBIN STOP!!" Bruce yelled while laughing. "Um yes young man?" The woman Robin yelled at said.

"Can you take this picture for us?" Robin said while holding his phone out. "What's the magic word?" She replied. "Im not in fucking pre-school. Can you take this picture for us.. please." Robin said while shaking his phone for her to grab. "Okay I guess." She finally said.

We got into a pose and she snapped the picture. "Thanks lady!" Robin yelled while running into the store and the rest of the group following him. "I'm so sorry for him." I said to her and smiling. "Its alright. You kids have fun and don't get into too much trouble." She said. I nodded my head and ran after the rest of the group.

Once we got into the store we decided we would split into pairs.

The pairs:

Robin and Bruce

Vance and Griffin

Finney and Billy

With Robin and Bruce- Nobodys POV:

"Okay Bruce, where do you want to go first?" Robin asked. "Oh my god. We have to go look at LEGOS!" Bruce replied. "YES!" Robin says back. They run to go to the LEGO aisle.

They ended up buying 2 giant car LEGOS, 1 red and the other blue.

"This is sick." Robin said. "I know right! We definitely need to hangout and build these together." Bruce added. "We should!" Robin agreed. They smiled and laughed while walking around to the chip aisle.

With Vance and Griffin- Nobodys POV:

"OH MY GOD VANCE CAN WE PLEASE GO TO THE CANDY SECTION? PLEASE." Griffin yelled at his step-brother. "Holy shit. Fine!" Vance responded.

"YAY!" Griffin helped in excitement. "God your literally 16, why are you acting like a child." Vance said back. "Shut the fuck up and buy me my candy." Griffin demanded. "Jeez, okay."

Griffin ended up getting snickers, kitkats, skittles, a giant gummy bear, sour patch kids, and starbursts.

"Your definitely gonna have a sugar rush later." Vance complained. "SHHH!" Griffin hushed. "OMG LETS GO OVER HERE!" Griffin yelled once again. Vance just sighed and let him lead the way.

With Billy and Finney- Nobody's POV:

Finney and Billy were walking around the scented candle aisle. "Oh my god smell this one!" Billy said and shoving a candle in Finneys face. "Damnn that's smells so good!" Finney said while smelling the vanilla candle.

"What about this one?" Finney said while smelling the pumpkin pie one. "Ew this smells like shit. Who would even want a pumpkin pie candle anyway!" He added. "Let me try." Billy said as he sniffed the candle. "Dude, what are you one about? This smells good!" Billy argued.

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