Chapter 24: Some card games

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(A/N: I own nothing, one piece is owned by whoever created one piece)

Sum Head canons (For this story anyway)

-Most of the Charlotte sibling's nationality will be based on their name's country of origin, Smoothie being Brazilian with how it's one of the countries recipes, Katakuri being Japanese with how his namesake is potato starch from that country, Amande being French with how her name is Almonds in French and all that.

-The family tends to gamble during nighttime on a Saturday with minimum money being around 100million, sometimes they also use valuable items to gamble with.

-Cracker normally eats popcorn while sitting on a lawn chair when seeing his siblings spar which happens normally in the mirror world, sometimes betting money with his siblings on who would win.

-Rayleigh has visited the Gran Tesoro along with his wife once... he lost most of his money in that city of all places.

-Shanks normally avoids meeting up with Rayleigh in Sabaody, solely because the former right-hand man would try and get some money off from him in anyway possible to further fuel his gambling addiction.

-The government knows about Luffy's devil fruit after Marine Ford instead of canon, but can't really do shit without raising suspicions from unwanted eyes on why they were targeting a specific individual beside what he had done in Marineford (Like the Yonkos, they would be interested on a brat being targeted by the government itself)

A couple of theories I have in the one piece series itself.

-Not confirmed, but it's most likely, the Sweet general that kid injured was most likely Smoothie, she's the most plausible one out of all of them.

-Edward Weevil was a failed experimentation of trying to clone a younger version of Whitebeard by Vegapunk, he originally was going to dispose of him but Stussy took him away for her own gains and purposes (Like convincing him he is the son of whitebeard)

-Most likely, all Warlord's had their blood sampled, under the guise of a "blood test" of sorts, but in actuality they were using them to genetically clone them along with mixing their blood with King's before he was freed by Kaido.

-Taking into account that Linlin was exiled from her kingdom and shunned by elbaf giants, Kaido being treating like some pawn for his kingdom and Whitebeard growing up in a rough village as an orphan, all Rock pirates are in some way a social outcast, rejected/shunned/betrayed by their kingdom, Hometown, parents and friends, they all may have been murderous upon one another, but they could bond with each other through their past.

-Dragon might not be Garp's son, but in fact he is a son-in-law, throughout the series, Garp doesn't call Dragon "My boy", "My damn brat" or "My son", he normally and only refers to him as "Luffy's dad". So maybe Garp's actual biological child is a female that fell in love with Dragon that might have later died in the series. and that death could possibly be the reason Dragon hates the government.

-God Valleys disappearance might be the result of Garp and Roger fighting against Rocks, Linlin, Kaido, Shiki and Whitebeard. With their absurd power... it's easy to see why an island would vanish.

-Shanks is a manipulator, he was strong during his time in Foosha, he could have easily fended that sea king from biting his arm off, but instead, he let his arm be eaten, he did it to emotionally manipulate Luffy in a way that would bound his path into becoming a pirate via his crippled state, even probably making Luffy's resolve strengthen to become king of the pirates. Same could be said for Uta(Kind of), in order to lead her to the path of being an Idol and to not make her guilt ridden, he left her under the guise of being the one who destroyed Elegia, using her to gain access to the peaceful island to rob them, intentionally making Uta scorn him and pirates in general which steered any suspicion for Uta being related to the red-haired pirates, letting her go off sin from being affiliated with them.

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