Chapter 20: a very one sided fight

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(A/N: I own nothing, one piece is owned by whoever created one piece)

Sum Headcanons(For this story anyway)

Katakuri has a secret fan club that is kept a secret from him by all 84 siblings(Luffy later, dragged by others and sworn to secrecy via bribery) and their mother(who found it all to  amusing and just silently watched from the sidelines), founded by Brulee as the Founder with Flampe acting as president with Nougat acting as the Vice.

Luffy along with Katakuri for unknown reasons, are the only siblings who can correctly guess which decuplet is who somehow.

Akainu won faster due to Aokiji constantly insulting him about how "His got balls bigger than his" or how "At least I got the balls to fight" and other jokes related to balls which just set Akainu off. Kizaru was watching from the sidelines with a bag of popcorn while also talking into a megaphone and joining in on Aokiji and making fun of Akainu's non-existing nuts. Aokiji, even though severely injured and the loser of the fight, was smiling all the way.

Summary: Harbor sweep,

list of charlottes in this chapter because there's a lot of them: Katakuri, Snack, Smoothie, Cracker, Perospero, Luffy, Panna, Anana, Oven, Daifuki, Amande, Effiler, 


Taking one step back,

she jumped.

"Operation Night witches, Commence!"



At the harbor, two men were walking over to the harbor to have a smoke break.


"What's wrong Pensador?" The man asked side glancing at his friend rubbing his chin in deep thought.

"Don't you think butcher-san and his group are running a bit late? They should have shown up right about now."

"Eh, his probably having too much fun with dismembering and chopping those people up along with the rest~, we should have went with them!" the men said reassuringly with a hint of jealousy, he wanted to skewer and bath in the blood of the Totto land citizens and Charlottes along with them.

"I don't know man, sure, we are strong, but... we still are targeting a Yonko's territory after all." Pensador said sweating a bit, he was more confident if it was a Warlord's territory that they were targeting, but they weren't hunting for them, they were hunting something bigger,

and they may have bitten off more that they can chew for all they have known.

He wasn't the only one, prior towards the operation, when they raided and made this island theirs. They were initially going to target a Warlord's territory in the New world, but their boss wanted to hunt a bigger fish, a Yonko's territory instead. Some of his mans protest to which he either waved off their worries or just straight up executed them on the spot himself for "Insubordination".

They zipped their mouths and agreed to this very reluctantly.

They wanted to disagree, but they didn't want to join their friends who did vocally display how they "disagreed" which demoted them from a member to "Funds and profits".

The plan was to deceive idiots into a suicide mission under the guise that it was a capture mission when they were actually just pebbles being tossed towards a bear. They kept tossing group upon group until it was deemed that the Yonko's forces should be weaken enough for a attack.

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