Yugoslavia + USSR

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This is a platonic oneshot with a small hint of a sexual relationship but not romantic, just a heads up, I don't ship these two but I do see them as being the others closest friend who also happened to hook up a few times.

Not a request, to the fella that requested I do a oneshot I'll do it tho just got this idea first.

Yugoslavia: male
USSR: male
Russia: male
Serbia: male

Warning: Death

Oneshot name:

I love you, my dearest friend.

Yugoslavia was known to be quite a flirty and carefree guy yet a huge asshole to anyone he didn't know very well or didn't like.

USSR was someone Yugoslavia both loved and heavily disliked at times too.

The two had a...strange relationship they weren't dating by any means but Yugoslavia would often flirt with USSR to annoy the man who claimed to be a homophobe when the two literally hooked up a few times.

Yugoslavia as a bisexual man had mixed feelings about USSR because of his claims of being homophobic, he wasn't gonna assume anything but to him it sure seemed like his tall "frenemy" was more gay then he'd like to admit.

Sighing Yugoslavia made his way to USSR's house and knocked then waited, and waited yet no one came to open the door.

'Strange..' Yugoslavia thought 'USSR or Russia almost always open the door immediately.'

Looking over to his son Serbia who decided to join for the visit Yugoslavia just shrugged at him and Serbia shrugged back before going to open the door and surprise surprise, it wasn't locked.

Now both men were worried, this didn't seem normal.

"Should we go in, father?" Serbia asked tilting his head up slightly to look at Yugoslavia due to Yugoslavia being slightly taller.

"Oh definitely my little prince this is not normal, we are going to investigate." Yugoslavia said, his voice obviously filled with nervousness.

As the two men entered the younger of the two noticed something...it sounded like- "Crying.." Serbia said suddenly.

"Huh?" Yugoslavia looked over at his son once again.

"It sounds like someone is crying..wait no- it sounds like..Russia." now Serbia panicked thinking his friend was hurt and ran over to find him, Yugoslavia following close behind.

Running into the room upstairs where the crying came from they found Russia curled up in a ball sobbing his eyes out.

"Russia!" Serbia ran over to his friend who looked up at him and managed to whimper out his name "S-Serbia.."

Serbia quickly looked his friend all over for any sign of injuries but saw none, now he was confused.

"What's wrong Rus?" Serbia asked sitting next to his friend with open arms inviting him for a hug which Russia immediately accepted and hugged Serbia tightly.

"I-Its.." Russia stuttered out before breaking into another chocked sob.

"Shhh..it's okay, take your time Rus." Serbia said rubbing circles on Russia's back as Yugoslavia made his way over to them and put a hand on the sobbing younger man's shoulder.

"It's okay Russia, deep breaths." Yugoslavia said carefully.

"It's not okay though!!" Russia yelled out suddenly startling the other two.

"It's..my father he- he's.." Russia started "He's.. collapsi-ng." Russia finally managed to say.

Yugoslavia's whole world seemed to stop at that, his closest friend was..dying?!

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