Russia x Lithuania

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Request by: tygaming193 hope you like it and thanks for the idea :]


Russia: male (he/him)
Lithuania: female (she/her)

Name of the oneshot:

Drunken Love

To say Russia was having a bad day would be an understatement for this day in particular, he got into a huge argument with none other then the annoying American who never seemed to get enough of annoying the Russian at any meeting they had.

And so what did Russia do in response?

Well go to a bar and get drunk off his mind is what he thought was the most appropriate response.

So here he was now, drinking lord knows what number of shots yet he was still very much sober due to his alcohol tolerance.

"This is ridiculous..." Russia mumbled to himself, when suddenly he heard a voice beside him.

"I know right?" The voice said calmly.

"Eh?" Russia turned to see a rather beautiful woman who he recognised by the flag colours yellow, green and then red. It was Lithuania.

Now, you see, Russia wasn't the one to exactly have his eyes drawn to people but Lithuania seemed to always do just that.

"Oh..hello Lithuania." Russia said in a voice as friendly as he could muster.

"Hello to you too Russia. How are you doing?" She smiled at him making him ever so slightly blush in response, he really wasn't used to this kind of treatment from others, none the less a beautiful woman.

"Well I could say I'm fine but I'm pretty sure we both know that's not quite true."

''Ah, problems with America?" Russia raised a brow at that.

"How did you know?" He asked.

Lithuania giggled slightly making Russia's heart skip a beat.

''Pretty easy considering you two seem to always be at eachothers throats."

"Yeah that makes sense.."

As a moment of quietness went by Russia couldn't help but just stare at the woman in front of him, she was stunning in his eyes.

She wore a white turtleneck paired up with a black dress and a necklace with a little red flower hanging from it, slight makeup seeming to dust her cheeks along with lipstick pretty obviously present, wait..that wasn't makeup on her cheeks, was she blushing at him??

"Hm, would you like a drink? It's on me, for uh..keeping me company." Russia asked awkwardly not sure what to do.

"Well if you offer I can't just deny you now can I?"

Minutes turned into half an hour, turning into an hour and then two hours as the two countries seemed to just be in their little space enjoying the other being there, at this point both drunk out of their minds.

"You know.." Russia began smiling at Lithuania.

"Heh, yeah?" Lithuania replied.

"You're really pretty..I kinda wanna kiss you honestly." Russia admitted, a slight blush on his cheeks noticed by the woman.

"Well..what if I said you're really handsome and I wanna kiss you too?" She blushed looking slightly away in shyness.

Russia slowly put a hand to her chin and tilted her head back to him.

"Then I'd say you have my permission to do so..that is if you actually want to kiss me."

Russia's lips turned up into a smile slightly at the sight in front of him as Lithuania stuttered for words seeming to have lost all the confidence she had, that was until she sucked in a breath and cut the gap between them by smashing her lips onto Russia's surprising the Russian who froze for a moment before kissing her back.

The kiss started out slow and loving until it turned into a full on make out session between the two at this point very drunken countries.

Lithuania pulled away first breathing heavily.

"Uhm..that erm, that was nice." She said looking at the Russian.

"Yeah.." He looked at her eyes before looking at her lips once more, Lithuania doing the same before kissing again.

And so the two ended up staying at the bar for hours until it closed, giggling like lovesick teens at the other as they left the bar and parted ways after a bunch of kisses and exchanged phone numbers.

Guess you could say it was just the alcohol but then very much was love and a night they'd never forget despite their drunken state.

There we go, first oneshot done. Honestly never thought of this ship before but I hope I did an okay job with it lol. Also English isn't my native language so if I messed up my wording somewhere my bad. Until next time my dears!

Word count: 774

Written: July 16th 2023

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