America x Japan

339 6 8

Request by: C0mmun1st_Am3r1can

I decided to make Japan a neko despite him being a guy cuz I just like that idea lol

Slight warning for sexual jokes. It's not much, but it's there so you've been warned.


America: male
Japan: male

Oneshot name:

You- you have cat ears?!

America had invited his boyfriend over to have dinner and to watch a movie not thinking much of it, he figured it'd be a fun little date but oh was he in for a surprise.

You see Japan always wore a beanie and never seemed to take it off and America being himself was rather curious as to why on earth Japan would do that.

Don't get him wrong, he thought it was adorable as it has little cat ears at the top but it was strange to him nonetheless. He loved his boyfriend and didn't wanna upset him potentially by asking, but curiosity was killing him.

So as Japan came over and they had dinner and eventually sat on the couch watching a movie America decided he'd start the conversation he'd been trying to figure out how to initiate all day soon. He just couldn't figure out how...

"This movie is quite boring." Japan stated and America saw it as the perfect opportunity to speak.

"Yeah..wanna just ditch it and talk instead?" America said looking at his slightly shorter boyfriend who looked back and nodded with a small smile.

"Okayyy...why don't we.. play a game actually!" America said as Japan raised an eyebrow at that.

"What kind of game?" Japan said smirking slightly at his boyfriend to tease him, which worked as the American's face heated up immediately.

"Oh my fucking God not like that you idiot!" America yelled out.

"I know I know, I was just teasing." Japan chuckled at the Americans reaction.

"I was gonna say like, a game where I ask you a question and you ask me one back!" America explained after calming down his heated face.

"Sure, that sounds interesting." And that was all America wanted to hear.

" start." America said.

"Hmm, okay..what's with you wearing sunglasses all the time?"

America froze at that, he didn't expect that question but he could trust his boyfriend so he answered anyways.

"It's because of my eyes." America started "The thing is," he took off his sunglasses "They as you can probably tell now, look A LOT like my father's...and I..don't really like that." As the American finished he noticed Japan staring at him in awe.

"Well I think they look beautiful and unique!! Yeah they are 'similar'" Japan did air quotes "perhaps but you have those beautiful little stars in them, that's adorable!" Japan gushed over his boyfriends eyes making America feel a lot better about them.

"Thanks Jp..I appreciate that." America smiled slightly and was gonna put his sunglasses on but decided against it, he felt comfortable showing Japan his eyes now.

"Well my turn I guess. Why do you always wear that beanie?" America asked and Japan flinched which America noticed.

"Oh shit, did I make you uncomfortable?? I'm sorry Japan I didn't mean to, you don't have to answer you know especially if it makes you uncomfortable an-"

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