Serbia x Greece

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Not a request.


Serbia: trans ftm (he/him)
Greece: male (he/him)

Warning: short panic attack

Oneshot name:

Old Memories Open Old Wounds

Serbia was hanging out with his friend and very much crush Greece when the two decided to organise and look through Serbia's old photos, what could possibly go wrong? A lot actually.

"Ooo look at that one!" Greece pointed out a photo Romania took of the two first meeting years ago, they were standing next to each other holding ice cream with a grumpy looking Serbia eyeing an awkwardly smiling Greece.

"Ha! I remember that, you decided to buy us all ice cream because you thought it would earn you friendship points from me." Serbia said after looking at the photo Greece pointed at.

"Not my fault you were such a hard guy to befriend, you literally glared at me when we first met! Glared!" Greece exclaimed.

"It's because I could feel the idiot vibes coming from you kilometres away." Serbia joked smirking at his friend's offended face.

"Oh whatever, Bia.." Greece mumbled before turning back to the photos, one in particular catching his eye.

"Hey, Bia?" Greece started.


"Who's this? Is this your adopted sister Croatia or something? She looks very different.." Greece asked puzzled.

"Which one-" Serbia's sentence was cut short, his breath catching in his throat at the picture Greece pointed at.

'I thought I threw these away, why is one still here?!' The Serb thought in panic, his breathing becoming increasingly uneven which the Greek noticed.

"So- wait Bia? You okay?" The Greek turned around to see his friend with wide eyes looking like he was gonna cry any second now.

"Oh Serbia..come here." The Greek went closer to the Serb carefully putting his arms around him snapping the Serb out of his panicked state ever so slightly.

"I forgot you don't exactly have a good relationship with her...sorry if I triggered something." The Greek apologized hugging his friend tightly.

"It's not that.." Serbia mumbled out as tears slowly left his eyes, he felt less panicked yet he couldn't stop the tears.

"Oh? Do you wanna talk about it..?" Greece asked slowly moving a bit to look at his friend. He knew the Serb had severe anxiety and trust issues after everything he went through so he knew not to push him.

"..Kinda." Serbia looked at his friend in the eyes before quickly looking away.

"Okay, whenever you're ready." Greece let go of his friend as Serbia did the same.

Taking a deep breath Serbia felt very conflicted, on one hand this could be a good thing on another...he didn't wanna think about that outcome.

"That person," Serbia began, Greece taking note of the word 'person'.

"They uh..that." taking another deep breath to calm his nerves Serbia felt a hand on his shoulder, looking over to see his friend looking at him with a small smile.

"It's okay, take your time." Greece said.

"Okay.." Serbia replied before continuing "That's..that's me." As silence filled the room and Greece was hit with realization Serbia looked away from his friend, fear of rejection slowly creeping up on him more and more, that was until his friend suddenly hugged him again, very tightly at that.

"Oh Serbia, I'm so proud of you for being able to say that and I'm so sorry I accidentally brought out probably horrible memories." Greece said.

Serbia felt tears stinging his eyes once again yet this time they were happy tears.

"" Serbia said, his voice breaking.

"There's no need to thank me, to me you always were and always will be a man I love after all." Greece said when suddenly he realized what he said and now he felt nervous hoping Serbia didn't hear him, but alas luck both was and wasn't on his side today.

"..Wait wait wait, hold up. Did you just say you love me?" Serbia said emphasising the word 'love'.

"Uhm..y-yeah." Greece stuttered out.

"As in, a friend...or?" Serbia questioned further.

"Uhh...more.." Greece finally let out letting go of his friend and covering his face with his hands.

"I'm sorry, I probably made everything so awkward now.."

"You apologize too much."

"Huh..?" Greece felt a hand on his moving it away.

"I said you apologize too much, idiot, don't make me repeat myself." Serbia joked and Greece finally looked at his long time crush looking at him back with a huge blush covering his face and a gentle smile.

"Does that mean..?" Greece questioned.

"Yes I love you back, in the name of all that is holy how do you not get it?" Serbia chucked.

Greece now teared up slightly himself feeling ever so slightly overwhelmed by everything that went down.

"Hey! No crying, I'm so done with tears today."

"Well too bad!!"

They both laughed as Serbia suddenly put one of his hands on Greece's bandana pushing his face to himself, making Greece's face heat up even more.

"Can I kiss you?" Serbia asked the blushing man in front of him who stuttered out a 'yes please' making the Serb chuckled before cutting the gap between them.

'Maybe things aren't that bad after all.' Serbia thought to himself as he smiled into the kiss, for once feeling extremely happy.

AaaaaAAA- ahem, I low key love this. Anyways that's all for this oneshot I'm gonna go dip now for who knows how long, see ya

Word count: 926

Written: July 26th 2023

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