Chapter 39: Celebration

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"Do I look okay?" Gabby asked as she looked at herself in the mirror.

A week later, Desmond's family was having an official engagement party for Gabby and Desmond.

Kacie and Layla were sitting on her bed as she tried on several dresses. All of the dresses she tried on looked perfect and were ridiculously expensive. Gabby turned her body to check every angle, not pleased with what she saw.

"None of these look good. This isn't happening right now. We are having the engagement party in two hours, and I am a wreck. Look at me." Gabby fell onto the floor and lay there looking up at the ceiling.

"They are all so pretty, Gab. You look so good in them. Come on, let us help." Kacie held her hand out for her to grab as she pulled her to her feet.

"This one. This one is perfect." Kacie held out a baby pink gown and put her hair up in a beautiful updo.

"Let me do your makeup; I've got this." Layla smiled, pulling out her makeup.

An hour later, Gabby was shocked at how she looked. She nearly began crying.

"Seriously, what would I do without y'all?" Gabby looked at herself in the mirror closer.

"You don't have to worry about that. We have made a decision. We are moving to New Orleans." Kacie said, smiling broadly.

Gabby stood there in shock, speechless.

"For real? Don't mess with me!" She said.

"We've been seeing Jefferson and Collin a lot. We've been going on dates. They want us to stay. Besides, who is going to protect you." Layla winked.

"Oh my gosh, y'all, I am so happy. I need you here. I can't imagine not having you, even though I know I will have Desmond. Y'all are my best friends and my sisters. We can still have everything we wanted and more." Gabby hugged both of them tightly.

Gabby's parents arrived at the airport, and a car was sent to pick them up from the Bellefontaine jet. They drove them directly to the hotel. Gabby was excited to see them but nervous at the same time. This was the first time she would be with her family and Desmonds. She prayed it all went smoothly.

"Mom, can't wait to see y'all!" Gabby sent a quick text.

Desmond had moved back in with his parents while they were engaged. He only spent one night at his house-that the first night when they became engaged. He knew it wasn't right for him to stay at the house with Gabby there. They had come this far into their relationship and overcame many obstacles, such as exes showing back up into their lives abruptly. He wanted to continue being what he wanted to be with her. She deserved that from him.

"New Orleans is amazing! Can't wait to see you, too." Irene texted as they showed up as they arrived at the hotel. Stanley and Irene were still trying to process that their daughter would be part of this soon.

"Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Ashbury to Hotel Bellefontaine. I have been advised to escort you to the penthouse for your stay with us." The hotel manager, Ashley, informed them politely.

"Hi Ashley, thank you," Irene responded.

A bellhop took their bags and followed them to the elevator with Ashley. They arrived on the top floor at the penthouse adjacent to the one that Gabby and the girls had stayed in previously.

"This is one of our finest rooms. If you need anything, let us know." Ashley showed them around and left. Stanley tipped the bellhop as he left their luggage.

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