Chapter 27: Midnight

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Gabby, Kacie, and Layla were leaving early the following day for a weekend at Lake Shady Cove. Gabby felt good about going there after what had happened in New Orleans and with Desmond. She wanted life to return to normal but knew there was no way of erasing the past. Desmond was part of her memories now. He was still in her dreams, and nothing could change that. Meeting him was the most important thing that had happened to her. She played out their time together every night as she tossed and turned.

After watching a movie at Gabby's, the girls left for home. Gabby finished packing for the weekend and was about to try sleeping. She dreaded the night. It was a time when everything was quiet, and her loneliness killed her. The sound of the crickets chirping outside of her window was the only sound she could hear. The complete silence would drive her mad if it weren't for that.

It was midnight. Yes, midnight. Another day has passed now-another day of nothing from Desmond. Gabby hated that she thought this way. She needed to shut it out. She reached for her phone on her nightstand and pulled up Desmond's contact.

She began typing a text but quickly erased her words. Taking a deep breath, she tossed her phone onto the bed and sat there, panning the room. It felt smaller than usual now. She picked up her phone again and tried typing the words again. She nearly pressed send when there was a knock on her window. She was startled and scared as she dropped her phone onto the bed.

Gabby stood and strolled towards the window. The curtains were closed. She pulled them back, barely able to see. She made out a shadow and heard a voice calling her name. She pulled back the curtains, and her heart rate quickened by who she saw.


She stood there just looking at him, saying nothing. Why was he in West Virginia? Was he supposed to fly back to Nashville? Or better yet, why wasn't he with Madeline? They looked pretty cozy back at the hotel.

"Gab, please let me in." Shane pleaded.

Gabby hated Shane with every once of fiber in her being. She was hurt by seeing him and thinking they might have met in New Orleans for a reason. But now, she doesn't see him the same, which is strange.

Against her feelings, she opened the window, and he crawled inside as he began shutting the window.

"Leave it open," Gabby demanded as she put space between them.

"Alright." Shane put his hands in the air.

"What in the world are you doin' here?" Gabby demanded.

"I had to see you." Shane began.

"That's not what I meant." Gabby interrupted.

"Oh," Shane said.

"Why are you in West Virginia? You don't live here anymore." Gabby reminded.

"Gab, I had to talk to you in person. I am also visiting my folks." Shane said.

"That's good. They miss you." Gabby said directly, not attempting to sound warm.

"I need to explain everything. I think you got this all wrong. You got me wrong in New Orleans." Shane started.

"I think I got it all right. Shane, what you do with your life now is none of my business. If you want someone like Madeline, then great. You are free to do whatever with whomever you please. I am not here to stop you." Gabby went on.

Shane sat down slowly in a chair in the corner and put his head between his hands. Gabby could see he was sleep deprived and bothered.

"Shane, why are you here? You shouldn't be here." Gabby said as she sat on the bed and away from him.

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