Chapter 16: Conscience

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Josse was still in his office when Desmond knocked and entered the room.

"Why was Madeline here?" Desmond asked, confused, as he took a seat.

"To see you, I suppose," Josse responded, not looking up from his laptop.

"Something isn't right here. I know her. She wants something." Desmond shook his head.

"Yeah, you did date her long enough to know her better than the rest of us." Josee continued.

"Funny though, she was pretty upset when I walked in the house and saw her in the living room. She said she needed to talk to me, but I got a call from Gabby and took that instead of talking to Madeline." Desmond explained.

"Yeah, so? You're with Gabby now, not Madeline. You aren't entitled to explain yourself to her. You can talk to or be with anyone you want." Josse finally looked up from his laptop and Desmond's direction.

"Man, she was in my life for so long. This is all still new to me. Being with Gabby now and starting over in a relationship, it's strange. I love Gabby. I didn't know this was even possible after getting crushed by Madeline." Desmond stood and walked towards a nearby window.

"That's life, little brother. You fall in love; you fall out and back in again." Josse commented directly.

"I guess. I don't want Madeline hurt, but she chose another life when I chose another. I don't regret that. That is where Madeline and Gabby are different. Madeline didn't want the new version, the better version of me; Gabby did. It was like Gabby needed someone like me right now in her life. I can't explain it. Dude, I don't have to pretend with her. I felt like that was all I did with Madeline. I have learned so much since then. Gabby is the one, Josse. It was always supposed to be here, as insane as that sounds." Desmond stared out the window in deep thought, speaking from his heart.

Josse sat back in his chair and turned towards Desmond.

"I need to confess something to you, Des." Josse began.

"Oh yeah, what is that?" Desmond was brought back to reality by his question.

Josse looked at Desmond and knew he needed to come clean before everything worsened. He wasn't one to admit fault; his pride wouldn't allow it. But now, after hearing him pour himself out to him, he knew he couldn't fight it anymore. He knew this would hurt and struck him, but it had to be done. He felt his conscience getting the best of him for the first time. He looked at his younger brother and saw a light that he lacked. He hurt and felt pity for him, knowing he was a horrible brother. He should have been there for him when Madeline crushed him, not trying to sabotage his new relationship, one that he was finally happy in.

What is wrong with me? I give up.

Desmond looked at Josse with small tears welling up in his eyes. Josse tried finding the right words; he wasn't good at this; it was natural. He wasn't like Desmond; he didn't feel emotions the same.

"Well, what is it?" Desmond laughed.

"Well, I--um." Josse pushed his fingers through his hair as he tried formulating words.

Desmond's expression was one of anticipation.

"Dude, you are never at a loss for words. Come out with it." Desmond continued laughing at Josse's hesitancy.

I can't do it. It's not the right time.

"I didn't want to admit it, but I secretly want to drive your Bugatti." Josse laughed and immediately felt regret flood over him at his words.

"You wanna take it for a spin together? You had lunch yet?" Desmond laughed.

Josse knew he should have been honest. There would be a time when he would have to come clean.

"Sure, bro. Let's go." Josse agreed and stood, closing his laptop.

"You drive, but I get to pick where we eat." Desmond insisted.

"Whatever you say, little brother." Josse smiled.

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