Chapter 2: Welcome to The Big Easy

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Gabby was in her room, packing her suitcase, when her mom, Irene, knocked on the door.

"New Orleans, huh?" She asked as she walked in and found a place to sit on her bed that didn't have clothes piled on it.

"Yep. That's the place." Gabby said as she walked to her dresser to get some t-shirts and shorts out.

"Honey, it's dangerous down there. The crime rate is appalling. Couldn't y'all go to Gatlinburg or Myrtle Beach?" Irene picked up a dress and couldn't help but wonder where the rest of it was.

"Mom, we aren't kids. We will be careful. Besides, I read that police officers are always around. They know it's dangerous. It's world-famous for a reason." She explained as she folded clothes and carefully placed them in her suitcase.

"Will you be staying near Bourbon Street?" Irene asked.

"You mean The French Quarter?" Gabby stopped.

"I suppose," Irene responded.

"We will be staying at a bed and breakfast a mile outside of it," Gabby responded as she resumed packing.

"I hope you know what you are getting yourself into. I am all about having fun, but that place is full of temptation. There is a lot of alcohol flowing." Irene looked down.

"Is that what this about? You are afraid I'm going to get drunk, and something happens to me like---" Gabby stopped and began walking over to her vanity to gather her makeup lying on top and throwing it in her makeup bag.

"What does your dad say?" Irene asked.

"Dad and I aren't exactly speaking much these days. I went to his apartment to tell him I was leaving, but he didn't look at me. His eyes were glued to the television screen." Gabby replied.

"Is that right?" Irene said somberly.

"Yep. Mom, I can't fix y'all and won't get in the middle of this. Y'all are grown, and you need to fix this or not." Gabby walked out of the room and into the bathroom nearby.

"What time does your flight leave?" Irene asked as she continued to sit on the bed.

"Tomorrow, nine o'clock in the morning," Gabby replied from the bathroom.

"Well, will you at least text me when you land and get to your bed and breakfast?" Irene got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom doorway.

"You know it," Gabby said as she began to leave the bathroom.

Irene stopped her and held her face between her hands.

"Gabriella, I love you. Please remember that. I want you happy and safe." Irene said with tears in her eyes.

"I know you do, Mom. We'll be fine." Gabby pulled away and walked back into the bedroom.

The following morning, Gabby's alarm went off on her phone. She rubbed her eyes and sat up slowly in her bed. She looked over at her suitcase and carry-on bag sitting on her chair in the corner. She immediately perked up and jumped out of bed to get ready. It was six o'clock, and she had to pick up Kacie and Layla and head to the airport. She would have another friend from work pick up her car so she wouldn't have to pay for long-term parking.

She looked at the weather for New Orleans and saw that it would be sunny, hot, and humid, with a high of ninety-two degrees. Currently, it is eighty degrees in Sparksville.

"This is going to be different. It doesn't get that humid here." Gabby said as she put on a light purple tank with denim shorts and slid her feet into a pair of white sandals. She put her extended, brunette hair in a messy bun.

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