Chapter 21: The Meeting

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Jefferson and Collin arrived at the hotel to pick up Kacie and Layla to go to Desmond's house. Desmond was being extremely cryptic about his reason for meeting with them. They all took turns trying to figure out what he was thinking. None of them could think of a single, logical explanation. The last time they had seen him, he was not doing well. Now, he was ready to have visitors? It all seemed strange to them.

Upon arriving at his house, they all climbed out of Jefferson's Mercedes Benz and strolled to the front door. Kacie and Layla saw now what the fuss was all about. Gabby wasn't lying. Desmond's house was extraordinary.

"I can't believe Desmond lives here alone," Kacie said as they approached the door.

"Desmond isn't like everyone else. He has good taste for the finer things, but money doesn't rule his world. You will never find a more loyal friend." Collin said as he pushed the doorbell.

"That is what we have heard," Layla said as they waited on Desmond to answer the door.

Desmond opened the door more chipper than he should be. The four stood there, not trying to appear surprised, but found it hard not to.

"Hey, hey! Come on in!" Desmond said, welcoming them inside.

Kacie and Layla entered first and stood in the doorway, admiring the luxuriousness of the room. They knew what Gabby must have felt because they couldn't stop panning the room with their eyes.

"Desmond, your house is gorgeous," Layla said with mouth agape.

"Thank you." Desmond bowed humbly.

"I have lunch in the back near the pool." Desmond pointed.

"You have a pool, too?" Kacie asked, in awe.

"Yeah. Y'all wanna see it?" Desmond asked, walking through the living room, to the dining room and kitchen to the backdoor.

They followed him as he opened French doors to reveal the courtyard and pool. It was all so breathtaking and perfect. Jefferson and Collin were calmer. They were already rich, so seeing Desmond's house and backyard wasn't too much of a shock to their system. They had been at his house plenty of times before. They sat in two lounge chairs beside the pool and pulled out their phones as the girls explored the house and backyard.

Desmond had Po-Boys, a fruit tray, various cheesecake bites, and sparkling water on ice on a table next to the pool. It was all so inviting. They all sat and began eating and chatting lightly. They still wondered why they were asked to come to Desmond's house.

Kacie and Layla wished that Gabby was there. She was truly missing a good time. It was strange being there or anywhere without her. They didn't dare tell her they were at his house. They wanted to post photos on their socials in the worst way but remained considerate. Lunch was delicious. Desmond offered drinks to any who wanted one. Nobody took him up on that, knowing he had a problem in the past. They sat outside near the pool, enjoying the hot afternoon.

"So, I guess you are wondering what is happening and why I asked you to come here today?" Desmond finally asked.

"Yeah, buddy. What's going on?" Jefferson asked.

"Listen, I know you will think I have lost my mind. But I need to say this." Desmond began as he stood.

"All of you know how I feel about Gabby. I know we haven't known each other long. I feel like I am in good company; we are all friends and understand one another. Please, listen to what I have to say." Desmond continued.

All nodded in agreeance and let him continue.

"I know beyond a shadow of a doubt our relationship is real. It seems that everything in the world is trying to tear us apart. We are the very start of something that I believe is long-lasting. Madeline and Shane put a wrench in our relationship; I know that, and I know Gabby must know that. I am not worried about them, and I am ready to prove to Gabby once, and for all she is the one." Desmond went on.

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