Chapter 25: Back Porch Talkin'

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Gabby returned home to find her mom was already there. Gabby looked at her phone to check the time. She set her phone, wallet, and bag of clothes on the dining room table and went to her parent's bedroom. There were still a few boxes that contained her dad's things that he moved back home from the apartment he stayed in temporarily.

It was a beautiful sight seeing those boxes, and he is back. Gabby couldn't imagine this house being different without him there. It seemed complete despite Briar being gone.

"Mom, you home?" Gabby yelled from the living room.

"In here, Gab," Irene answered from the bedroom.

Gabby entered the bedroom, tidying up a bit. Her mom smiled as she saw her in the doorway. She put down her duster and took a seat on her bed.

"What did you do today, kiddo?" Irene asked with a smile.

"Not much. I went over to Preowned Heaven-saw Maisy. She's good. I found a few things." Gabby said as she plopped on the bed next to her mom.

"Gab, are you okay? It seems as if you are down. I'm worried about ya." Irene said as she played with Gabby's hair.

"Mom, I am fine. It's been hard, but maybe this is all for the best." Gabby said as she pulled a pillow under her belly.

Irene wanted to let Gabby know that Desmond still loved her but couldn't. Desmond trusted them to keep this all under wraps. She sat there looking at Gabby, knowing that her life could change drastically and instantly at Desmond's proposal.

"Everything is going to be okay, honey. Just keep your chin up." Irene said as she stood and left the room, leaving Gabby there thinking.

"Are y'all ready? All the food is gonna be gone before we get there." Stanley joked as he looked at his watch.

"Hold your horses, Stan," Irene yelled from the bedroom as she put her earrings in her ears.

Gabby emerged from her bedroom wearing a long, floral maxi dress and sandals.

"You have grown up too fast, child," Stanley said as she appeared in the kitchen.

"I feel like a child right now." Gabby grinned.

"Why is that?" He asked, sitting down at the kitchen table.

"I don't know. I felt so grown up in New Orleans, but all of that seems like a dream now-almost like it never happened." Gabby said.

"I think you are going to find that will change soon." Stanley began.

"What do you mean?" Gabby asked, curious.

Before Stanley could answer, Irene entered the room, and he hurried them out the door for dinner. The three arrived at the restaurant and were quickly ushered to their table. They ordered and waited for their food. Gabby looked around and saw too many familiar faces. She felt like she was swimming in a fishbowl. After being in New Orleans and a big city, Sparksville felt small and boring. She didn't like feeling this way, but it was how she felt, and she couldn't deny that this life was nothing like the one she was living in and the one she almost had. Life with Desmond would have been far from a small town. She still imagined dining in places much fancier than this one. She loved being there with her parents, together. That was more than she could have prayed for. She was glad they wouldn't be apart when she decided to leave home and start her life.

Oddly enough, Gabby's parents did ask her much about New Orleans. She assumed it was because of the way things ended with Desmond. They made her laugh, which was a welcome change from the pain she had been feeling. Her dad was the best at making someone feel better. He always knew what to say. He also knew when not to say a word.

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