Chapter 24: Secrets in Sparksville

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Kacie and Layla pulled into their neighborhood and looked at each other, taking a deep breath. They knew Gabby was already home; she texted them to tell them so.

"Don't drive down this street. Go straight and around." Kacie told the driver. A car this nice would stick out like a sore thumb, and they didn't want to risk Gabby noticing it somehow, or anyone else on her street, for that matter.

"Yes, ma'am." The driver did as she instructed as he turned down the street and in front of Kacie's house. Layla lived five houses down from her and three streets over from Gabby. It was starting to get dark. The driver removed their suitcases and bags from the trunk and sat them on the curb.

"Do we tip you?" Layla asked, searching for cash in her purse.

"No, ma'am. Mr. Bellefontaine has taken care of it. Have a nice evening." The driver nodded, climbed inside the car, and drove away down the street and from Gabby's house as instructed.

"Do you want to come inside?" Kacie asked.

"I'll come by in a little while. I better say hello to my parents and tell them what is happening. My mom is going to flip when she hears this." Layla laughed.

"Same. I wonder what they will say? It hits differently when you say it out loud, though. Desmond is proposing to Gabby Saturday evening at Lake Shady Cove. Our best friend might be marrying a billionaire. It still doesn't seem real." Kacie said, looking around the neighborhood.

"Hasn't changed much since we were kids. Remember riding our bikes on summer nights like these with Gabby when we were little? Remember the ice cream truck coming by as we played in the sprinkler in my front yard? I remember Jimmy Coston kissed you under that tree when y'all were twelve years old." Layla reminisced and laughed.

"I was thirteen! But yeah, I remember all of that. We ain't kids anymore, are we? Lay, it seems like yesterday, though. Now, Gabby could be leaving Sparksville and beginning her life in another world, practically. Let's face it; she will say yes; we both know it. She loves Desmond, and I believe enough to marry him and not for the money or what comes with it; she loves him. It doesn't take years and years to figure that out. For Gab and Desmond, it was in a moment." Kacie smiled, trying not to cry.

"They both deserve this. They are the lucky ones, ya know? I am proud to be Gabby's best friend and soul sister, and Desmond calls us his friends.

I look forward to watching them grow old together." Layla smiled as she pulled the handle to luggage up and began pulling her large suitcase down the sidewalk and towards her house.

"Me, too. Love you, girl." Kacie smiled as she watched Layla walk away and begin walking inside her house.

Desmond sent a text to Kacie and Layla soon after they arrived home.

"Glad you both got home safely. Tomorrow is a big day; I will be in touch with what is next. Have a good night, and thank you both." He said.

"Sounds good. Thank you, Desmond." Kacie responded.

"Can't wait! Thanks, Desmond!" Layla responded as well.

Desmond decided not to go to Lake Shady Cove immediately. He wanted to stay the night closer to Sparksville. He knew that the following day he would meet Gabby's parents, and he wanted it to be convenient for them to meet with him. He looked at his phone.

"There is a nice hotel about fifteen minutes from Sparksville. It will be good for the night. What do you think, guys?" Desmond asked Collin and Jefferson.

"Sure, I am beat." Collin yawned.

"Me, too." Jefferson agreed.

Desmond instructed the driver to the location of the hotel. He dropped them off at the front door and removed their bags as Desmond tipped him.

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