Chapter 4: Intersected

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Gabby was still a bit shaken by what had happened. The girls spent the rest of the evening walking around and taking in the nightlife. Gabby wondered who the mystery guy was and hoped to bump into him again. When they met hers, she saw the look in his eyes, and something inside shifted. She hadn't felt that way in a while. She knew he was helping a girl in need, but most guys these days don't do that. He didn't fit into the crowd. She reminded herself that coming to New Orleans was her idea. She didn't know what to expect or feel, honestly. She was glad the girls were having fun. She hoped that as they spent more time there, she could relax. As hard as she tried, she couldn't get her problems out of her head. It was time for her to have fun and let go.

It was around midnight, and Kelvin showed up at the same place he dropped them off to pick them up.

"Did you ladies have fun?" He asked giddily.

"Sure did. Except Gabby got hit on, and there was almost a fight." Kacie joked.

Kelvin turned around in his seat to look at Gabby.

"You almost got into a fight?" He asked, shocked.

"No! A guy wanted to buy me a drink; I said no, and another guy came to my rescue." She explained.

"Wow! That's crazy stuff! But not uncommon here." He laughed.

"Yep, good times," Gabby said under her breath as they returned to their bed and breakfast.

As the girls entered their room, they plopped down on the beds.

"I'm so tired. I can't wait to sleep." Kacie said as she took off her shoes.

"Same." Layla agreed as she pulled the pillow close to her face.

"What about you, Gabby? Are you tired?" Kacie asked.

"Yeah. I'm going to get some bottled water. Be back." Gabby said as she left the room.

As she got far enough from the room, she quietly sobbed. She feared what happened and felt guilty for suggesting they come here. Did she put her friends in danger? She knew they could avoid Bourbon altogether, and something deep inside wanted to do that. But she knew she needed this trip. She was grateful for the guy who stepped up and saved her. She told herself she would not let her issues or what happened tonight stop her from having fun.

The following day, the girls went downstairs to eat breakfast and back out to explore the city. Gabby felt renewed in her spirit and was ready to seize the day. As the girls finished their breakfast, they began walking down the streets as they had the day before. They hadn't had time to see everything on Magazine Street, so they decided to go back and shop more.

Walking down Magazine Street, they spotted a coffee shop and opted for iced coffee. Gabby was standing in line behind the others and looked over to find something shocking.

"Kacie, it's him," Gabby stressed her words in a whisper.

Kacie looked over and gasped.

"OMG! It is him!" She put her hand over her mouth.

"No way!" Gabby reacted.

"Go talk to him." Kacie nudged her.

"I can't do that. He will think I'm weird." Gabby turned away.

"You're already weird, so it's fine." Kacie joked.

"Haha. Whatever." Gabby walked forward in the line, trying not to look his way.

He was sipping a cup of black coffee and reading a book. He was alone at a corner table- not looking around at anyone.

The closest empty table was near his. Gabby's heart sank.

"Can't we take these to go?" Gabby insisted.

"No, no, no. It's too hot. We're stayin' put." Layla grabbed Gabby's coffee from the counter before she could grab it and made her way to the table. Gabby followed slowly.

As the girls approached the table to sit down, he looked up momentarily. He smiled and then shut his book gently.

"Well, hello again. I see you got a drink, after all." He joked.

"Yeah, I did. I got thirsty." Gabby joked back nervously.

"Good choice." He winked and got up from his chair.

"I hope you didn't have any more trouble last night. I went home after I left the bar." He said as he walked to their table.

He was wearing a white T-shirt and tan shorts with leather flip-flops. He had brown eyes. His hair was light brown and was combed back. He had a pair of aviator glasses hanging from the front of his shirt.

"Thanks for savin' Gabby last night," Kacie said with a smile as she sipped her coffee from a straw.

"Gabby, huh?" He said as he looked back at her.

"Gabriella," Layla added.

Gabby gave the girls the death stare and looked back at him sheepishly.

"This is Kacie and Layla, my friends by obligation." Gabby joked.

"We're her best friends." Kacie laughed.

"That is still up in the air." Gabby joked again.

"Nice to meet you all formally." He shook their hands one by one and smiled.

"I am Desmond." He smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Desmond," Kacie said, and Layla nodded.

"Well, I got things to do today; I will maybe see you, ladies, around," Desmond said as he pulled his sunglasses out of his shirt.

"We're here for two weeks on vacation, so I am sure we might bump into you again, right, Gab?" Kacie said as she looked at Desmond and then back to Gabby.

"Right," Gabby said with a forced smile, suggesting she could kill Kacie there on the spot.

"Okay then. Enjoy the day, the city, and your visit. Take care." Desmond said as he smiled and walked to the entrance of the coffee shop.

He put his sunglasses on and walked away. Gabby sat there trying to get control of her breathing.

"He's cute and nice," Layla said as she sipped.

"Girl, he is." Kacie agreed.

"Gabby, he has it for you," Layla said as she touched her on the shoulder.

"Me? He doesn't even know me. I'm just one of like a million girls in this city." Gabby disregarded the comment entirely.

"But, we saw the way y'all looked at each other. I don't care what you say; that is your husband." Kacie said as she ran her fingers through her long hair.

"Whoa, whoa. Husband? Is there alcohol in this coffee?" Gabby joked.

"Nope, I'm sober and serious. He's the one, Gab." Kacie said.

" Don't you think that is gettin' a little too far ahead of yourself? I am not his type." Gabby laughed.

"How do you know his type exactly?" Layla asked.

"You know what I mean." Gabby rolled her eyes.

"Why, because you're from West Virginia? As I recall, you were homecoming queen, prom queen, and voted Miss Photogenic and Most Likely to Succeed." Kacie held her fingers out, counting them individually as she spoke.

"So what. It was Sparksville, not New Orleans. I am just another face in a sea of people. Besides, I didn't come here to meet a guy. I came here for one last girls' vacation before we grow up." Gabby said as she began drinking her coffee.

"We shall see." Kacie leaned in and whispered in her ear. 

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