Chapter 19

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"They're so melodramatic, like they'll see each other soon..."

Lucas interjected with a frown on his face as he munched on what seems like a chocolate pudding with white cream and a piece of strawberry while watching the two overly cringed children acting as if it's the end of the world.

Lucas honestly thought that maybe he woke up too soon or too late? He can't with the children; their stupidity, weirdness and pervertness... he's too old for this shit.

The looks he got in return made him more annoyed and raised his voice in a sassy 'what?!'.

Oh god, Lucas is an atheist but he prays for more patience to deal with these naughty children. On second thought, these past few years had beenn fun. He had found some people to call his friends. Although weird and perverted, he can trust them to have his back and hey,  they also give him those delicious snacks-

"Tsk, tsk, that's why you're the bummer of the year. Listen here,  Rapunzel, that's called 'touching moments' and you'll need to do that soon"

Killua chirped with a smirk on his face. Lucas takes back all his words. He does need more patience from these imbecile gorilla-like brats. Lucas thought without noticing the small smile on his face that made Athy, who looked at him for a sec to scoot away while thinking that Lucas had already been affected by either the hisoka germs or the masochism effect that his brother causes.

Looking back at the show, Lucas felt chills down his spine as  soon as he started directly at the blue jeweled eyes that was hugging the whitey boy. He immediately teleported everyone back into the playroom  with a frown on his gorgeous and young looking face.

"Geez if you're jealous that another girl is hugging your little boyfriend, you should've left alone ya know, I haven't stolen the cookies from the kitchen yet..."

Killua mumbled as the whole room echoed with agreement from everyone with the exception of Hisoka that chose to let out a sound like moan.

"Y-you! Sigh, that kid, she's a chimera"

The moment the word chimera was dropped, the temperature in the room immediately tensed. Lucas sighed once again feeling thankful that they still have an ounce of common sense.

Meanwhile, Athy can't help but feel like calling Jeannette a chimera seems to be going too far. She locked eyes with Killua and sure enough she doesn't know what he's thinking about for the first time since they've been born.

She thought about the story of Jeannette's birth. Jeanette's mom was the ex fiance of their father Claude, who cheated with his brother.

Thinking back, Claude sure is pitiful...but that doesn't change the fact that he was a tyrant.

Athy pursed her lips and tried to disperse the thoughts plugging her mind at the moment. Her priority right now was the survival of her and Killua. Screw those sad backstories, they have their own— everyone has their own tragic backstory—


Everyone stared at Bisky with an unimpressed look as she shot back a 'what' look mumbling about how hungry she was, followed suit by Killua calling her an old hag and once again punched into oblivion.

Watching the commotion, Athy can't help but snort that turns into a full blown laugh as she temporarily forgot about the issues on hand.

“hey guys, when are we gonna proceed with the plan? It's been months since we planned it and I'm dying to see princess Rapunzel”, Athy grumbled as she slumped down the *couch all the whole smirking at the said princess.

“drama queen”, Lucas merely stated as he rolled his eyes. “it's only been weeks since the whole planning thing and I doubt we would really do it.”

“Nuh-uh! I'm itching to do it! The plan's really simple and great!” Athy dramatically exclaimed, with hands on her chest and with an 'innocent' look on her face, fluttering her eyes at Lucas who for unknown reason, his heart skipped a beat.

“and I'm telling you, that plan sucks!” he argued back and now there was some sort of electricity that could be seen between their eyes.

“heh! I told you they like each other”, Bisky whispered to Killua and Neon as they watched the entire interaction with popcorn.

“aww~ look at how adorably fruity they are~” Hisoka stated with a playful expression and for the first time, Bisky felt really proud of her brother.

Killua was about to speak about something negative before Bisky proceeded to cut him off as she spoke. “Don't be a bummer Killua, ya know that it's inevitable for your sister to fall in love.”, Bisky said which made Killua squirm in his place with a contemplated look.

However, before he could answer, the couple stared back at them with a fierce look that made Killua chuckle.

“the plan's still on, right!”

“the plan has been cancelled right!”

With a sigh, Killua began to speak. “Calm down lovebirds, the plan's tonight”, he said putting his joined hands behind his head with a bored expression whereas Bisky and Hisoka merely nodded with amused expression.

In turn, Athy and Lucas animatedly looked at them with a 'are you serious?!' look that made them laugh.

“that soon?! Kil, we haven't practiced yet, the plan's not clear!” Athy yelled before clasping a hand in her own mouth as if afraid that someone would hear her.

“Just go with the flow” Killua said with a cat-like smirk as Athy feels like this plan hasn't been given that much thought. Tonight they'll die if not, they'll just blame it on Hisoka.


Athy didn't know how it came to this. One moment they were acting in front of the whole country—imagine her shock when Killua began to record everything with a mana crystal that turns out, projecting it to the whole country, well at least she wasn't princess Rapunzel...

Athy thinks that they've traumatized Lucas for life but at least they did it fabulously, Lucas looks really beautiful. One could argue that his beauty is more than her, at the moment because Athy is sure that she looks really handsome as a prince.

—then the next second, there was this kidnapping that they thought was according to the plan so Athy and Hisoka willingly rode the carriage without knowing that it was the real deal...

In defense, Hisoka seems to know it is but didn't say anything because of the psycho that he is. Now she could only watch as the kidnappers tried to reason out with Bisky to return Hisoka to them whilst Bisky argued that 'you took him, not us. He's yours' making the kidnappers pay just to return Hisoka, who at the moment was watching everything with a knowing smile.

Meanwhile she could only sigh as Killua berates the kidnappers of the mistakes they did upon doing the kidnapping and her value, asking for them to raise the price since according to him 'if you 're gonna price my sister, price her right', which is pretty touching if not for the fact that her price kept dropping at each argument that Killua gave.

This is seriously going to be a long night...

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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