chapter 18

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3rd person POV

Ignoring the stare that Kil is giving Athy and the awkward look that is on the male lead's face, Athy decided to speak. "So...what are you doing?"  she  asked

"I was studying the 'curvature of time and space according to partial differential equations and logical error, with criticism-"

"Oh that book, should've known your a nerd"


Athy screamed as Killua look at her with a 'what' expression. 

"Uh, nevermind. We're actually here because...umm, we heard that your going away?"

"That is correc-" 


Ijekiel can only silently curse at being interrupted for the nth time. He looked around and saw the princess being dragged by the prince before the said prince walk to  the ceiling leaving the poor princess to hide behind the curtain like a wind before opening the door to be met with two teary orb staring at him. 

"Jeannette, why are you crying-?" 

Already knowing the reason, Ijekiel decided to ask anyway and got interrupted by a large cry.

"Can you not go?! A-ah! I don't mean to shout, i-it's just... I-I'll miss you"

The brunette said holding Ijekiel's sleeves, appearing quite pitiful. Meanwhile Ijekiel softly smiled at his younger cousin.


"Unfortunately, the young master needs to go"

Ijekiel looked at the mf that interrupted him only to force a smile once he saw who it is.

"Neon. What are you doing in here?"

"Nothing~ I just found your curtain really interesting today~ AaHhh~ MHmMm~ truly InteREstInG~"

Hisoka said glancing creepily at the curtain which the poor princess chose to hide in.

*Kil 😭*

Athy thought quietly, shrinking herself at the corner to avoid Hisoka's....watchful eyes. Please, I don't wear duck underwear so don't look at me. Athy could only pray for Lucas's underwear to distract the clown.

Killua hissed in annoyance at Hisoka who only laughed creepily.

Jaenette who suddenly thought of a duck underwear blushed and didn't know why such thought appeared not knowing that Hisoka projected the image using magic that he learned observing a certain magician.

Ijekiel, feeling exasperated didn't know what to do. For one, the princess is quivering like a worm on the curtain, the prince imitating a cat backed into a corner, his cousin blushing like a maiden in love and his friend Neon being creepy like usual. But hey, he should be thankful that Neon's not singing about bungee gum.  

"Why don't we go to the-"

"Garden? I just got here and you guys already want to go to another place?"

Bisky suddenly appeared out of no where, eating a spicy flavor of chicken nuggets.


Jeanette yelled with open arms and wide doe teary eyes as she jumped to Bisky, only to be avoided.

"Jeanette and I are going to the garden. Make yourself at home- nevermind, please behave yourselves"

Ijekiel said, also glancing at the two other occupants in the room. He took the hands of Jaenette and leads her to the garden.

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