chapter 3

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Athanasia went to Killua's room and decided to sleep with her little treasure. "Killu are you still awake? " Athy asked. 

"yes big sis what is it? " Killua asked and Athanasia hugged her little brother

"i wanna sleep with my dear little brother. " Athanasia said and let go of her brother.

"sure,  actually i wanna ask why your so scared of dad earlier?" killua asked not getting his sister's action.  "he's not even that scary" Killua added

"he can kill us Killua so we need him to love us, so act cute so we won't die" Athanasia said

"there's no way he can kill us and no way he will kill you.  I will protect you big sis" killua said determined and an idea ran through his mind. He put his hand on his sister's cheek and use magic to make her feel and remember how to manipulate her hands, tho he doesn't want her to learn anything about assassination, Killua knew that his sister need some protection so he showed her part of his memory about fighting,  training and techniques.  He didn't show nen because that was hard to teach.

"is that your memory Killua? " Athy said with tears in her eye

"y-yeah, whats wrong big sis? " Killua asked

"Y-you were being forced to train when you were young,  you were very lonely" Athy said still crying.

'oh i forgot that she can feel my emotions too.  I don't really think i am so much lonely back then tho'  killua thought while comforting Athanasia. "big sis i am fine and i left that family when i am 12 and i am happy with you as my big sister" killua said. Athanasia stopped crying and they both fell asleep.

The next day Claude called Lilian York and the twin.

"Lilian york long time no see" claude greeted while they were all bowing. "i haven't been able to take care of my children due to my duties to the court. But still they have growned into healthy children,  the credit belong to you" claude added

"Thank you your majesty" Lily said

"however from now on i will be looking into their well being so there will be no need to worry" claude said and Athanasia look shock, lily was quite scared and Killua was bored. "starting today, princess Athanasia and prince Amaris will be treated as a proper princess and prince." Claude said and smirk at the said children and he waved his hand signaling that we leave.

After they left Lily hugged both Athy and Killua reassuring that everything's fine.

A few days have passed and claude, Athy and Killua has been having a bonding time

"you got chubbier again" claude insulted Athy and Killua laughed once again

"you got prettier too papa" Athy replied while on the inside cursing the said father.

"what are we going to do today dad" Killua said

"follow me" claude said and the children followed him

"woah a lake" Killua said. "is there any fish in here?" he asked, everyone sweatdrop

"i was going to the lake do you both want to join me" claude asked and Killua nodded hurriedly.  He hasn't swim in ages so he was quite exited.

" but your majesty i think its not good for the prince and princess to be near the water" Lily tried to reason out with claude

"i am here so no need to worry" claude reassured

"Don't you both want to join me?" Claude asked

"i wanna swim in the lake" Killua said and everyone look at him weirdly but claude pick him ip and carry him to the boat.

"no swimming in the lake you might drown " claude instructed and Killua pouted cutely which everyone found so cute especially Athanasia and Claude. 

" Athy wanna come with papa and Aris as well" Athanasia said

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" Athy wanna come with papa and Aris as well" Athanasia said.   'i won't let you steal my little brother away you jerk" athanasia thought. Claude picked Athanasia up and sat her beside Killua who was busy pouting Athanasia was looking below to see if there's someone rowing it. 

"what are you thinking?" claude asked.

"papa's hair are sparkly.  Athy and Aris love sparkly things" Athanasia said. 

"hmm,  well it seems appropriate considering you have jewel pouches on you when we first met" claude said, Athanasia looks embarrassed and Killua was looking away. "don't worry, your treasures are fine, i kept it well safe. Why don't you both retrieve it together" claude added, Athanasia look away too.

Athanasia saw a very beautiful lotus.  It was transparent but because of the blue lake it was color blue.  She tried to reach it and almost fell in the lake. Thankfully Killua save her but Killua fell.

" Papa please help Killua" Athy pleaded and claude ignored her. 'damn claude if Killua got sick he can destroy anything.  He may deatroy the ruby palace' Athy thought.

"don't worry big sis i can swim." Killua concluded and march up to the boat. "baka nee chan if i didn't save you,  you would have drowned." Killua scolded while crossing his hand.

"sorry, but will you get sick Killua" Athysaid worriedly

"nope" Killua said and Athy sighed. 'It is true that Killua was more cute when sick but he can destroy the palace if you didn't give him any sweets' athy thought while remembering the light cold Killua caught.  He almost burn the entire palace if Athy didn't see him. 

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