chapter 5

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Killua was still sleeping in the ruby palace. But Athanasia and Lily has moved in the emerald palace.  The old maids were now replaced.  All the hard work of charming them was gone. Athy was sulking.

"i wanna see Hanna and Ces" Athy said.  "Killua would be sad too to know that they were now replaced." Athy added

"now now princess i am sure the prince would understand and you will be able to see them again" Lily reassured

"who's Killua" Felix asked. 

"that is what the princess calls to the prince and the only one who called him that was the princess, me, hanna and ces. " Lily explained

"oh, is that so" Felix said.  " his majesty happened to mention that he want to spend time with his children during dinner." Felix said.

"then princess wouldn't it be best to change your clothes " lily said

"nwoo" Athy said

"sir Felix please say something to the princess."

"its ok tho,  the princess looks good at anything. " Felix said.

"well i assume your right" Lily said and Felix carried Athy and began marching to the room of Claude.

Once they arrived. Athy noticed that there's no one in the emperor's palace and decided to ask.  "why aren't there any guard in here sir Felix." Athy said

"that's  because the emperor can handle himself.  He is strong. " Felix brag. Felix knocked at the door and there's no answer. So Felix put Athy inside." his majesty would be delighted to be woken up by you princess" Felix said and shut the door. "i will be waiting for you in here princess. " Felix said.

Athy was inside and she saw many gold and decided to explore the room. While exploring she stumbled across a sofa and she was shocked to see Claude sleeping in a sofa. So she plan to punch him for revenge. She raised her hand and a chocolate fell and hit Claude in the face. Claude wake up and Athy sang the "bye bye" song

"what song is that" claude asked.

"it a song that chases away bad dreams" Athy answered while smiling

"your alone today,  where's your brother?" claude asked

"K- Aris was still sleeping" Athy said

"why didn't you wake him up and why did you wake me up" claude said

"Ki-  i mean Aris don't like to be wake up.  He will hate the one who woke him up and he was sick because of yesterday" Athy said.

Knock knock

"who is it?" claude asked irritated

" your majesty, well,  princess Athanasia the prince has woken up" Felix said smiling

"call him in" claude said and Felix went to get Killua and put him in the room

" bwig si" Killua said

"what happened to him, why is he speaking like that" claude asked

"well, when Aris was sick he has no self control. Sometimes he was childish and cute and  if he's angry he will destroy everything. " Athy explained.

"hmm" claude hummed

"cwendi, kwendy,  i want a candy" Killua said

"Felix tell the maids that we want to have dinner here. " Claude ordered and Felix bowed and the maids readied the dinner.

"Amaris why aren't you eating" claude asked

"cwal mwe kiwllia oe Awis(call me killua or Aris)" killua said

"Amaris eat your food" Claude said and Killua got angry and stomped his feet causing the floor to crack open. Everyone excluding Athy is surprised by Killua's strength. While everyone was supprise Killua ran outside to get some sweets.  That's when the hide and seek began.

Claude ordered everyone to find the prince.  While the prince who was hiding in the shadow in the roof was having fun watching them look for him.

"sigh,  we can't find the prince.  Princess do you know where he is?" Felix asked and everyone look at Athy with pleading eyes.

"Hmm" Athanasia hummed. 'Killua should be in a roof watching,  but i don't wanna end this show.  No i won't tell them i will just give them clue' Athy decided.  "Aris should be where the candy's are." Athy said. Everyone looked at the kitchen and there's no one there.

"we can bait the prince out of his hiding" Lily said.

"how" Felix asked

"we can prepare a large amount of sweets and the prince will come out" Lily explained and everyone followed her plan.

'The bait has been set and Killua went to the sweets and ate it all. Everyone stared at him. But suddenly he sneezed fire... Wait fire?? Last time it was only electricity' Athy thought.

The fire burned a lot of people. Then Killua have electricity all over his body. His hair going up. 

Luckily they are outside the palace because everything around him explode

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Luckily they are outside the palace because everything around him explode. When the explosion died down they can all see Killua sleeping peacefully.  Many soldier was injured. 

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