Ch. 25

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"Hi, Ifrit."

The other line was silent, Kasdeya only hearing the static for almost a minute.

"Kasdeya?" His voice was raspy, Kasdeya knew she woke him up. "It's three in the morning."

Kasdeya felt a lump in her throat, regretting calling him. "I know, sorry, this was a mistake. I'm sorry." She hung up, looking at the zebra once again before she burnt it to ash. She did it to the photos too.

Kasdeya looked at her door, wishing Mountain would knock at any moment and come in. She just wanted to be in his arms, she wanted to apologize, to say she was sorry over and over. She does believe him when he said he didn't cheat on her, but it was her trauma that made her think the way she did about love. She didn't see it much growing up so it was all still new to her. She was left alone after Ifrit, and even his love was different from Mountains. Mountains was so much more special, maybe it was because they were soulmates and the pull felt different, but Kasdeya loved it. She couldn't describe it, personally, she thought it was indescribable, but she knew how she felt and how true love should feel.

Kasdeya felt cold, an ache in her stomach, an empty feeling. Mountain was missing, and she felt empty without him, incomplete without him, everything was because she wasn't with him. Kasdeya climbed back into bed, holding herself tightly in Mountain's hoodie, slightly calming down due to his scent being on it. She learned that he smelled like pinewood and cologne and the cinnamon she smelt was herself rubbing off on him. She loved the smell of him, that's why she slept in his room instead of hers. It always calmed her down, and she missed being surrounded by it right now. She hugged the fabric to her, inhaling the scent as she slowly fell asleep.


Mountain was miserable. He found himself crying in his room, feeling her presence all over. He smelled her everywhere, cinnamon and lavender. Fuck, it was intoxicating and it only reminded him of her. She should've been there with him, not alone in her room. Mountain stood up from his bed, walked to his door, and let his hand hover over the knob before he went back to sit down. He did this three times.

He took a shower to calm himself down, but he ended up on the floor with his knees pulled to his chest as he let the scolding water fall on him. Mountain was so lost in thought, thoughts of Kasdeya, that he didn't hear the knocking on the bathroom door. His head turned when he heard the door open, seeing someone squatting to his level.

"I'm naked," Mountain mumbled, leaning his head against the tile wall.

"Nothing I haven't seen before," Swiss smirked, turning off the water. It hit his arm, Swiss hissing at the temperature. "Fuck, you're burning yourself, Mount."

"I feel cold all over," Mountain whispered, his voice raspy. Swiss tossed him a towel, allowing the ghoul to wrap it around his waist. "Why are you here?"

"Well, the fact that everyone in the whole church heard your argument is a good start. That and I figured you haven't finished packing, so I came to help." Swiss offered a smile, leaving Mountain to get dressed after he gave him some sweats and a hoodie.

Mountain came out, drying his curls with a towel, seeing Swiss packing the rest of his stuff for him, "Do you know how she's doing?"

"For two people that just got into an argument and for a ghoulette who nearly burnt down a room, you still care about her," Swiss mumbled, folding up Mountain's uniform.

"Of course, I do, Swiss, I'll never stop caring about her. But she doesn't believe me when I say I love her." Mountain sat down on his desk, seeing the rings on his desk. One was missing. The one that he gave to Kasdeya. The one that she was wearing while they argued.

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