Ch. 7

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You're just like your mother, always running out and escaping what you deserve. You and your brother both, fucking ungrateful shits. You thought you could escape from me and what I used to do, but I will find a way to get back to you. And once I do, your ass is getting dragged back down here to stay forever. You can't escape that easily, Hell will always be your home. You'll always have the haunting memories of what I've done and what I'll keep doing to you. I'll find a way. I swear I will. Make my words, Kassy, I'll get to you.


Kasdeya read over the note for the...she lost count, between the lack of sleep and the bottles of tequila surrounding her on the floor. She had gone through two bottles, the ghoulette starting to twist open the cap to the third one when someone knocked at her door.

   She didn't even try to hide the fact that she was drunk, Kasdeya wanted to be found by whoever. She wanted them to see her as a mess and help her because she didn't know how to help herself when it got this bad.

   "Kas?" Dewdrop opened the door, feeling something in his chest that Kasdeya was not okay when he woke up early this morning. He pushed the door open all the way, seeing Kasdeya leaning against her bed on the floor with bottled surrounded by her. "Shit, Kas."

   Immediately, Dewdrop knelt down to her height, taking the bottle out of Kasdeya's hand. "Gimmie that." She slurred, reaching forward to grab it from her brother.

   "What the hell, Kas? We both talked that we weren't going to let this happen again." Dewdrop didn't have as bad of a problem with drinking like Kasdeya did. He didn't understand the addiction that Kasdeya had.

   "Why the fuck do you care?" She spat, her eyes starting to glow a brighter amber as the room temperature climbed around them. "It's not like dad sent you another fucking letter. You're clearly sober so why don't you join me?"

   "Dad?" The two siblings only called him their dad around each other, not father or old man. "Kas, you're letting him win when you act like this. Come find me, Aether, Cirrus, or even Mountain. Clearly you told him something because both of you were gone the entire afternoon the day after we got drunk."

   "He's already won, Dew. The moment he started to hit me he fucking won!" Kasdeya yelled as tears began to roll down her face. "He's haunted my whole fucking life, ruining it! I couldn't breathe because of him!"


   "Fuck you! Don't try to tell me it will be okay!" She lunged at Dew, pushing him down by his shoulders.

   Dewdrop tried to grab his sisters wrist as she slapped him. He knew she wasn't trying to actually hurt him, it's just when Kasdeya got drunk and anything with their dad was brought up, she got defensive and angry. It was almost like she was trying to fight back against their dad because she couldn't when she was younger.

   "Kas!" Dewdrop grabbed her wrist, pushing his sister off of him. He rubbed his lip, Kasdeya getting a good hit at him. Blood dripped from his lip, but he wasn't mad at her. There's been times where he's scared her because he was drunk on accident.

   "You need to explain everything to me, but you can't do it while your drunk and crying. I need you sober, because it will be easier for the both of us." Dewdrop picked Kasdeya off from the floor, gently grabbing her shoulders as she looked at him with red, blotchy eyes. Both from being drunk and crying. "I've got to get you sober. I know if anyone sees you they'll be on your case and it'll be a set back." Dewdrop picked out a pair of sweats and a hoodie, pushing Kasdeya toward her bathroom. "I'm giving you less than ten minutes to shower and get changed."

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