Ch. 1

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Kasdeya was summoned from the depths of Hell with her twin brother, Sodo. A Epiphone SG Standard Electric Guitar Alpine White was put in her hand and a shit ton of music sheets. Ifrit was in charge of teaching her, the Fire ghoul proud of the slightly younger Fire ghoulette for picking up everything so fast. But when Ifrit had left and was to never return, Kasdeya moved to lead electric guitar, Sodo was slightly bothered but when he met the Water ghoul who was the new bass, he was no longer complaining.

His nickname became Rain, and Kasdeya understood how shy and timid he was compared to Sodo when on stage. And even off stage Rain kept to himself, usually eating alone while the rest of the band sat together. Kasdeya wanted to get to know the ghoul more, but when Terzo was killed, all the ghouls were left alone for some time. But when Cardinal Copia stepped up to sing, it took some time for Kasdeya and Sodo to get used to the man.

Kasdeya spent their time practicing figuring out who Copia was, and she came to like the man. He was quite nervous when he took on the new group of ghouls, but Aether and Swiss befriended the cardinal right away, making him more comfortable.

One rehearsal, Copia approached Kasdeya when she was tuning her guitar. He spoke softly, his voice wavering in and out. "Kasdeya, I have been writing new songs, and I've heard you sing. I was wondering if you would love to sing some chorus's with my new songs?"

From beside her, Sodo laughed, his twin sister glaring at him which made him shut up. If there was one person Sodo was scared of, it was his sister. "Are you serious? You want me to sing?"

"Kasdeya," Copia grabbed the ghouls hands, "your voice is lovely, and I would only want it to happen if you are comfortable with it."

Kasdeya smiled, her amber eyes glowing a little brighter. "Copia, I jerk off the air and my guitars neck during Mummy Dust with Terzo. I am completely comfortable with singing."

The cardinal smiled, tossing his hands up excitedly. "Splendid, I will get the parts to you when I know they are perfect." Copia walked away, Sodo coming up beside his sister.

"You're going to sing?" He asked, looking right in her eyes because they shared the same height, 5'6.

"I think it's an awesome idea," Cumulus grinned, "I think the crowd will love it."

"I'll do it if Swiss stays on his platform of shame." Swiss rolled his eyes, giving the ghoulette his usual smile.

"Kassidy, that's asking a lot." He teased, knowing she hated the nickname.

Just as he expected, her amber eyes glowed dangerously. "Do not call me Kassidy," Kasdeya growled, gripping the neck of her guitar rather tight as she took her place on stage before they practiced.

They played through the set list for the final ritual coming up soon. To say they were all freaked out was an understatement. They had to do good on every song or something bad would happen. The rehearsals were becoming draining because they were practicing everyday leading up to the ritual. And the last one before they left would be watched by Sister Imperator, the woman terrified Kasdeya.

Kasdeya would sometimes stay up late in one of the smaller practice rooms just to go over all the songs so she knew she was ready. She's been with the church and playing for a few years now, but she was still unsure of her abilities. Kasdeya missed Ifrit, he always reassured her when she doubted her skills. The slightly older Fire ghoul always told her how amazing and talented she was, and that she had nothing to fear from. She's been meaning to write to him, but it has been some time.

"Sit with me and Cumulus for dinner?" Cirrus asked, linking arms with Kasdeya as they exited the rehearsal room.

"Of course," the two walked to the dining hall, making themselves comfortable and going straight into a conversation when Cumulus and Rain sat with them. "Cumulus, Rain." Kasdeya greeted the two, Cumulus smiled and Rain just nodded.

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