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"How does that feel?" Hyunjin asks Felix as he rubs his lower back and hips for him. The younger has been in a lot of pain recently.

At thirty-five weeks pregnant, Felix is beyond uncomfortable. The Braxton Hicks have only gotten more frequent and his hips are sore. Most of the time, the "practice contractions" only feel like tightening in his belly, but tonight they are especially uncomfortable. They aren't consistent or particularly painful, so he isn't worried he's going into labor. It still isn't pleasant however.

"My hips are still sore but this feels good atleast" Felix responds as the beta rubs down from his lower back to his hips. "I want her out. Now." The omega complains and Hyunjin laughs softly.

"She's not done baking yet, love." He chides gently and Felix pouts.

"I'll be full term in less than two weeks. She can come on out now." Felix retorts. Compared to beta pregnancies, omegas are considered full term at thirty-seven weeks instead of thirty-nine, so she'll be fine at thirty-five. Felix starts to complain when he feels Hyunjin stop rubbing his back, but then the black-haired man is looping his arms underneath his belly and lifting gently. Immediately, the pressure in Felix's hips is relieved and he moans making Hyunjin chuckle.

"Does that feel better?" The beta asks as he holds atleast 7kg of Felix's weight in his arms. Felix nods as he leans his head on Hyunjin's shoulder. "I saw this on TikTok." The black-haired man states proudly and the omega huffs out a laugh.

"Thank you TikTok" Felix says. Hyunjin holds him for a couple more moments before slowly lowering the younger's belly again. The omega frowns but doesn't complain as the pressure in his hips returns.

"Are you hungry?" Hyunjin asks as he scoots away from Felix. The omega immediately misses his warmth.

"I'm always hungry," Felix responds and the beta nods getting up from the couch. "Where are you going?" He asks as Hyunjin makes his way to the kitchen.

"To make food." The black-haired man responds and Felix snorts lightly.

"You're gonna cook?" The omega asks mildly in disbelief. He's actually never seen Hyunjin cook anything but instant ramen.

"Yeah. Why? You don't think I can?" The beta asks with a hint of a playful grin.

"I don't know. I've just never seen you cook before. Let me help." Felix starts to heft his heavy body off of the couch to follow the older into the kitchen.

"No. Just let me do it on my own~" Hyunjin whines and Felix giggles at the man's cuteness. The beta smiles, pleased when Felix sits back down on the couch and he slips into the kitchen to start dinner.

Felix could be doing coursework while Hyunjin is cooking, but instead he decides to play Animal Crossing on his switch. His character is making his rounds, visiting the villagers hoping it will make them pay for his stupid bridge.

He's enjoying the smell of the food that the beta is cooking and is also quite surprised at how good it smells. His stomach aches with hunger and he's really looking forward to what the older has whipped up.

Soon, Hyunjin comes out of the kitchen with a plate and two spoons. The younger lowers his switch slightly to peek at what's on the plate as the beta sets it down on the coffee table. It's kimchi fried rice, and it looks surprisingly edible. Matter of fact, it looks delicious. There's shredded dried seaweed and green onions on top, which surprises Felix because the older hates the latter. He must know that the omega really enjoys them and Felix briefly feels bad.

"Are you going to put your game down and eat?" Hyunjin coaxes and he doesn't let Felix reply before he's plucking the console from his little hands. The omega starts to argue but the older stops him, "I worked hard so you have to eat it or I'll cry." He frowns and it's not like Felix can argue.

What to Expect When Expecting in an Omegaverse: Changlix/HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now