Moving Out.

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Moving day comes quicker than Felix anticipated. It took about a week to close on the rental of his and Hyunjin's new apartment. They negotiated with property owners on paying a lower deposit for higher rent, and they paid the deposit with both of their savings. Felix's bank account is crying because of it. He's relieved it all worked out however.

Felix had been putting off packing his things for a while, but it couldn't be avoided anymore. Luckily, Hyunjin is here to help him pack and move his things. Felix asked Jisung to come and help too, to move things along faster but he's been busy with school and a new internship, so it's just Felix and Hyunjin.

"Is this a photo album?" Hyunjin asks as he's rummaging through Felix's wardrobe and packing his clothes into boxes. Felix forgot he put that photo album at the top of his wardrobe a long time ago.

"Oh yeah, it is. Do you want to look inside?" Felix offers and the black-haired man nods with bright eyes. Felix chuckles and comes to take the photo album from Hyunjin's hands. He opens it to the first page, a picture of him when he was a baby is the first thing they see.

"Is that you?" Hyunjin asks and Felix nods. "You were a cute baby. And are these you and your sisters?" He points to three freckled children sitting in a bed together.

"Yes, they're my sisters, Olivia and Rachael." He flips the page to see a picture of his mother holding him as a toddler. His heart breaks a little as he looks at her smiling face. It was easier to make her happy back then. "I miss my mom" Felix states sadly and Hyunjin looks up from the photo album to the frowning omega.

"We don't have to look through this. I'm sorry, I didn't know-"

"You're fine, Hyunjin-ah. I was just reminiscing a little. It's been a while since I've seen my family." He explains with a sigh and flips to the next page, "That's my dad, he's a beta like you and he's really sweet. People think I get my sensitivity from my mom but it's actually from my dad. He's not afraid to cry in front of us, and I never realized how rare that is until I got older." He tells Hyunjin.

"You must love your family a lot" Hyunjin replies softly, with his eyes on Felix as he looks down at the album.

"Yeah, I do. I just hope I'm half the parent that my parents were for me." Felix sighs as he flips the page again. He frowns when he sees a picture of him and Changbin together. They were both wearing matching pink shirts and Felix had his arms wrapped around Changbin's waist, it was their hundred day anniversary. He's tempted to take the picture out, get rid of it so he won't be reminded of his failed relationship, but he thinks of the pup. He wants them to see their parents when they were together and happy.

"Is that Changbin?" Hyunjin asks and Felix turns to Hyunjin curiously. How had he known what Changbin looked like if they never met? "I follow Jisung on SNS. He's tagged him in a couple of pictures" he explains and Felix nods in understanding.

"Yes, that's Changbin-hyung, my baby daddy." He chuckles lightly, rolling his eyes at the term.

"You looked happy." Hyunjin comments and Felix frowns.

"We were." Felix sighs and hands the photo album to Hyunjin. "You can continue looking through them if you want, but I'm done." He says and the beta closes the album. He tucks it away into one of the boxes as Felix sits down on his bed.

"Are you okay?" Hyunjin asks and Felix nods.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired, I guess. I wish someone else could've helped us move all this stuff" Felix rubs his round belly as he says this. "I'm also hungry"

"We can take a break, if you want? I'm getting kind of hot" Hyunjin offers and Felix looks around his room. They have most of his clothes packed and all that's left is his furniture, which they can't move out until Changbin gets home because Felix can't lift the heavy furniture.

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