Another Ultrasound.

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Once the boys return to Seoul things with Hyunjin seem different. There seems to be some sort of unspoken thing between the two. The beta is more open with his affection for Felix now. He holds the omega's hand, cuddles him openly, and they share chaste kisses occasionally. Nothing else has happened and they haven't discussed anything about their relationship.

Felix likes it though, he likes that things are relaxed with Hyunjin. They aren't rushing for things to be serious and they're just getting to know their new dynamic. It feels natural and he won't rush it. That was his mistake with Changbin.

Things with Changbin are good too. The two men occasionally send each other memes and get along well. They talk about Dumpling a lot.

"What if she comes out looking like a carbon copy of me? Would you be angry that you carried her for nine months just to give birth to a miniature girl me?" Changbin asks as they're waiting in the exam room for Dr. Jung. The alpha was able to make it to this appointment and Felix was happy that he was able to come. The omega has an appointment every two weeks now instead of once a month, so Changbin's missing a lot of work- which Felix feels a bit weird about.

"I'd be fine with that. As long as she's a fat happy baby." Felix smiles and Changbin reaches out to rub the omega's belly. It's big and round, and he feels like a bowling ball right now.

"She's moving." Changbin states as if Felix couldn't feel her strong kicks inside of him. The alpha has a soft smile on his lips as he places his hand on top of the spot she kicked.

"Hello," Dr. Jung comes in after knocking on the door. "How are you Felix-ssi?" She asks as she looks through Felix's chart.

"I'm doing good. I feel like I have a weighted vest on but other than that, I've been fine." Felix says and he's out of breath from talking too much already. Dr. Jung chuckles softly at his words.

"That sounds about right. I was looking at your chart just now and everything looks good, as we expected, of course. You guys are so close yet so far now, only a few more weeks." She says and Felix does a little happy dance. "Shall we take a look at baby?" She asks and Felix nods, he leans back and rolls up his shirt.

"Was my weight okay? I only gained like a kilo." Felix asks as she squeezes the gel onto his belly.

"It's okay. Your baby is a bit bigger than average, so it's expected you'll gain a bit more weight." She says as she presses the probe into Felix's belly. "She's in downward fetal position, but lets see if we can still get a good look at her face for the 4D ultrasound." The doctor says as she switches the settings to 4D. They watch as she tries to get a good look at their daughter's face. "This is her hand here, it looks like her thumb is in her mouth." She points out and Felix coos.

"Yah, Felix, that's your nose! She has your nose" he declares excitedly when they finally get a look at her face. She has round cheeks and a small flattened nose similar to Felix's when he was a baby.

"I can't wait to see what she really looks like" Felix gushes as they look at the screen. The doctor takes a few pictures of her before they listen to her heartbeat.

"Everything looks good. Any questions for me?" Dr. Jung asks and Felix shakes his head before looking at Changbin.

"Is it normal for him to get cramps in his stomach a lot? He said he was cramping in the car and I've noticed it happens pretty often." Changbin asks and Felix already knows the answer, but lets Dr. Jung explain it to the alpha.

"It is most likely Braxton Hicks contractions. Think of them like practice contractions. They should never be intensely painful or frequent. If they don't go away or become regular or rhythmic, it can mean preterm labor." She explains and the alpha nods attentively. It's cute how concerned Changbin can be. Felix thinks he'll be a really good dad.

Very short chapter! I'm gonna do a double update as apology. I know you guys are probably tired of prenatal appointments at this point, but I would imagine Felix would be too. There's only a few more chapters until Dumpling arrives guys! Then a few chapters after that and the story is over!! :(

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