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Felix has the next four days off of school for Chuseok, including the weekend. He promised his family he would come visit them as soon as he has more than a few days off of school and work. His parents already bought him a round-trip ticket to Sydney for the holiday, so he finds himself in Incheon International Airport.

The airport is busy and his luggage is heavy. He's bordering on too pregnant to fly internationally at thirty-three and a half weeks, so it's good that he's doing this now. However, that doesn't mean it's comfortable. He has a ten hour flight ahead of him and he's not looking forward to it.

When he does finally board his flight, he's so uncomfortable in his chair. His daughter is wide awake for the first two hours and kicking and punching up a storm, keeping him from falling asleep. His back is aching and he's had to pee multiple times in the few hours he's been on board. Everytime he gets comfortable enough to fall asleep for a moment, his bladder needs to be emptied again. Traveling by air pregnant is something he will never do again if he can help it.

"Yongbokkie," Felix's mother calls once he's claimed his luggage and walking through his terminal. His father and Olivia are also waiting for him with her. Once he sees their smiling faces, all of the travel was immediately worth it. He waddles over to them as quickly as he can "My Sunshine. Aigoo~ look at you!" His mother coos with her arms open.

He falls into his mother's embrace, she smells like cherries and jasmine and the scent smells like home. His eyes overflow with tears as he hugs his mother for the first time in more than a year. The last time he'd seen her was summer break last year. They cling to each other as his father comes and joins the hug. Amberwood and sage fill his senses too and it just makes him sob harder.

"You look so beautiful, Sunshine." His mother says as she pulls away with her own eyes brimming with unshed tears. His father is in the same state as himself, his face wet and nose flushed pink. Without a word, his father takes his luggage from him and wipes his eyes. He pets his son's hair affectionately before the brunette omega turns to his little sister.

"Liv," Felix calls through his tears and his sister smiles softly at him. He opens his arms for her and they share a hug. He scents the top of her head taking in her smell and cherishing every second of it. "You look exactly the same." He laughs when he pulls away to look at her.

"You look extremely different" she laughs and Felix smiles bashfully.

"Your face is so full and round, like a baby. You're so beautiful" Felix's mother interjects as she strokes the omega's cheek tenderly. He smiles at her softly as she does.

"We should go to the car. I want to get to the house, I'm so exhausted." Felix says and his father agrees with a nod. They all head out to the car with Felix's father carrying his luggage and his mother's arm laced around his waist.

"I just put new sheets on your bed because they were dusty. You should take a nap." Felix's mom tells him when they get to Felix's childhood home. It's the same as it's always been, maybe a few new plants but it looks the same. Felix is happy that this has stayed the same.

"Where's Rachael?" Felix asks while his father takes his luggage up the stairs and to Felix's bedroom.

"She'll be home soon, she's with some friends. Now come look at what I got for the baby!" Felix's mom sounds excited so he waddles over to where she's at. He's surprised to see an entire cardboard box of items.

"Eomma, I asked you not to buy her so much because I have to take it back home." He complains but there's a subtle smile on his lips as he speaks.

"No, I know. I didn't get that much! It's just a few outfits and toys for her. They're small, so they'll fit." She reasons and Felix laughs softly as he comes to look in the box. He'd actually packed lightly anyways, knowing his mother would want to go all out for Dumpling after he refused a baby shower.

"This is so much though. Thank you." He says as he digs through the box and sees all the brand new little outfits and toys. "She's going to have so many clothes. I don't think I'll have to buy her clothes for atleast the first year." Felix states.

"That's good! Changbin's mother also said she has things for you too. We went online shopping together." She smiles happily. Felix doesn't have the will to be irritated and instead is just happy she's so excited.

After a nap, Felix wakes up to the smell of food filling the house. It briefly takes him back to waking up on Saturday mornings as a child. Everything still feels so familiar and homely, it's nice.

"Appa, it smells so good~" Felix cheers when he comes into the kitchen to see his mother working over the stove. He comes closer to see what she's making and immediately recognizes japchae, along with braised short ribs in the slow cooker. His mouth waters as he looks at it. "Do you need any help?" He asks even though he already knows what she'll say.

"No, you need to stay off of your feet. Sit down." His mother instructs and Felix takes a seat at the kitchen table. He's close enough to watch her move around the kitchen like an expert. "Ahh~ try this" his mother says as she offers him a piece of the galbijjim. He opens his mouth obediently and lets her place the meat in. It's tender and juicy, with a subtle sweetness to it from the sugar she adds.

"Mmm~ it's delicious, Eomma!" Felix praises as he chews with a smile. His mother looks at him fondly before nodding and turning back to the stove.

"How is Changbin-ah?" His mother asks as she flips a mung bean pancake.

"He's fine. He's still working for that film studio doing the audio engineering stuff. I think he's still looking for something different though but it seems like he likes it for the most part." Felix explains with his hands unconsciously resting under his belly.

"And your friend? Jisungie?" She asks and Felix feels a bit curious as to why she's so concerned with his friends, but doesn't complain about it.

"His internship just wrapped up and they offered him a job. I think he's turning it down though. He wants to work with Changbin-hyung." He replies and she nods.

"It seems like they've all got what they're doing figured out, hm?" The omega woman questions and Felix can't help but feel it's quite loaded. He doesn't reply other than a short nod. "Have you been looking for jobs too? You graduate in February." She tells him and he presses his lips into a line.

"I know. I've been looking, not as actively as I should, because I've been a bit busy, but I am looking." He replies and she shakes her head gently. "Don't worry Eomma, I'm going to look more seriously once Dumpling is here. I'm just focused on getting ready for her and keeping up with my courses right now." The omega tells her and she tilts her head curiously.

"Is Dumpling your taemyeong for her? That's so sweet" She smiles and Felix nods, happy to change the subject.

"My roommate came up with it. I'm not sure why but it just stuck" He giggles just as one of his sisters comes into the kitchen.

"I thought I heard your voice in here. Give me a hug, Lixie!" Rachael cheers as she bends down to wrap her arms around his waist. "Your belly's so big!" She comments and her hands immediately go to his belly. He giggles lightly as she strokes his clothed bump.

"Ooh, wait. Give me your hand," he says as he feels Dumpling nudge inside of him. "She's excited for dinner." He laughs as he guides Rachael's hand to the spot his daughter just moved in.

"Ahh! Oh my gosh!!!" Rachael squeals making Felix smile.

"Let me feel!" Their mom drops everything she's doing to rush over to the pair. Her hands replace Rachael's and Dumpling being the little star she is, puts on quite the show.

"Look, you can see it" He says as he rolls up his shirt to expose his bump. Both of the women squeal and coo in awe at Dumpling visibly nudging through the stretched skin of his belly.

"You have no stretch marks. What a pretty belly you have~" His mother coos as she pets his beautifully round belly.

This chapter was just filler, so I apologize that it wasn't great. The next chapter should be better. Thank you for reading!

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