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"Aigoo~ you're getting so big, little one" Felix coos to his pup as he looks himself over in the mirror. His shirt is pulled up to under his chest and there's a noticeable swell to his belly now. He rubs his bump dotingly, imagining what it will feel like when his baby starts to move inside of him.

At fourteen weeks, it seems to have happened over night. His bump has grown to the point that it's noticeable when he's not wearing baggy clothes. All of his pants are too tight around the waist now and he's resorted to only wearing sweatpants with adjustable waistbands.

"It's moments like these when I realize that you're genuinely pregnant" Jisung, who was laying in his bed scrolling on his phone, muses as he too looks over Felix's growing body.

"I know right? It doesn't even feel real sometimes" Felix giggles as he lets his oversized shirt fall down to cover his belly. "Like, as soon as I drop my shirt, it's like it's gone." He says as he comes to sit next to Jisung.

"Look at this," Jisung says and shows Felix a video of a TikTok mukbang. The pregnant omega's mouth waters as the petite woman fills her mouth with cheesy tteokbokki. "She makes it look so good" Jisung muses.

"I have to have tteokbokki right now," Felix moans as he rewatches the woman eating over and over, "Tteokbokki with tomato sauce would be so good, right? With extra cheese?" The blonde's mouth is practically watering as he asks this.

"We can't order that. I don't know anywhere that makes tteokbokki like that." Jisung answers and Felix pouts. "We can get Changbin-hyung to get the ingredients and we'll make it, okay?" The other relents easily before he yells. "Hyung!... Hyung!" Felix is giggling as the dark haired omega yells loudly for their hyung.

Changbin comes racing into Felix's room, with wide eyes and no shirt. When he sees the two omegas sitting on the bed comfortably, his alarmed expression melts into confusion. "Why? Why did you yell?" He questions.

"We need you to go to the store and get some ingredients for tteokbokki. What do we need, Lix?" Jisung turns to Felix, who looks up a recipe for tomato sauce tteokbokki.

"Yah, you were yelling like something was wrong!" Changbin scolds from the doorway of Felix's room.

"Something is wrong. Your pup is hungry, hyung" Jisung replies and reaches over to rub Felix's tummy. "Right, little one? You want tomato sauce tteokbokki? Hm?" He speaks directly to the pup making Felix smile.

"Tomato sauce tteokbokki? That's a thing?" Changbin grimaces and Jisung shrugs.

"I just found a recipe for it, it's a thing. Can you get tomato sauce, an onion, rice cakes, sausages, and mozzarella? Actually get cherry tomatoes too" Felix lists off the ingredients from his phone. Then he makes sure to send the list to Changbin because the older will forget everything as soon as he leaves this room. "Please?" The omega adds sweetly when Changbin sighs.

"It's almost 10 o'clock, who will be open with all of that?" He complains but both omegas know he's going to do it.

"Please hyung? Your pup is starving in here" Felix pouts and pokes his belly out, holding it with a sad little pout.

"I'm gonna do it. I just don't know where to find it, but I'll figure it out." The alpha grumbles before leaving to put on a shirt and get his keys.

It takes Changbin an hour and a half to find a grocery store that was still open and to bring all of the ingredients back. Felix jumps with joy when he hears the keypad unlock and the alpha comes in with two plastic bags worth of food.

"I'm mad we have to cook it and it doesn't just come premade. I'm so hungry" Felix complains as he takes the bags from the alpha. "Thank you, hyung" he calls as Jisung follows after him and Felix reads over the recipe again. Neither of them are amazing cooks, but they can survive, which is more than Felix could say for Changbin- who boils chicken with no seasoning.

"Is this going to be good though? Tomato sauce and rice cakes?" Jisung asks as he unbags the ingredients. He and Felix make a good team as he unbags and Felix fills up the colander with the rice cakes that need to be washed.

"Yesss~ It's going to be so good! I've been craving anything with tomato so bad lately, like pizza and spaghetti. This is going to hit the spot" Felix declares as he rinses their rice cakes.

They spend some time making the tomato sauce tteokbokki, adding in chopped onion and cherry tomatoes, topping it off with loads of mozzarella. It actually looks really good, like some sort of pasta and Felix's mouth is practically watering at the sight and smell. He wastes no time as he uses a pair of chopsticks to taste their masterpiece.

"Oh my gosh, so delicious~" Felix can't contain his happiness as he does a little dance with his cheeks full of tteokbokki. Jisung comes behind him and tries the food.

"It tastes wrong." Jisung shakes his head as he chews on the tomato sauce tteokbokki. "It would've been better with pasta" he adds.

"No. It's perfect, it's so good" Felix says as he takes another serving of the food. "Atleast I'm not craving weird things, like pickles and ice cream" he notes when he notices Jisung looking at him funnily.

This chapter is just a little bit of cute filler because next chapter will be kinda emotionally loaded. I didn't want to stress you guys out lol.

What to Expect When Expecting in an Omegaverse: Changlix/HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now