Birthday Dinner.

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After more than six months of new root growth, Felix is finally getting his hair done. His hair stylist hasn't seen him in months and probably wonders what happened to him. They've been bleaching his hair blonde since freshman year of college and haven't looked back since. It's been so long he doesn't even know what color his natural hair was without looking at a picture. He figures it's time to return to that and to switch to something more low maintenance since he would have a baby in the next few months.

"What would you like to do with your hair today?" His hair stylist, an omega woman from Canada named Margaret, asks him in Korean. Her Korean is really good nowadays but when they'd first met in 2019, neither of them were completely fluent. They usually speak a mixture of English and Korean together now.

"I want it a little lighter than my natural hair and I want it short, to about *here*." He replies in English and gestures to about the middle of his ears. "But I want the back long" he switches to Korean now.

"So like a mullet?" Margaret confirms and Felix nods. "Your hair has grown so much since the last time I saw you. It's so thick and healthy. I can't wait to cut it all off" she grins deviously and Felix laughs.

"Hey, hey, don't get scissor happy now" he jokes and she smiles as she runs her hands through his hair. Her fingers feel good against his scalp and he closes his eyes and lets her check his hair.

"I think we add curtain bangs, that'll be pretty on you." Margaret suggests and Felix just nods in agreement. The omega woman has been doing his hair four years now, he trusts her to make him look good.

She washes his hair first and he almost falls asleep in the sink with her slender fingers scratching parts of his scalp that haven't been touched in months. It feels so relaxing and nice to be pampered. He definitely needed this.

She cuts his hair while it's wet and then blow dries and styles it with hairspray. The whole time she's doing this, he's dozing off. His head bobbles back and forth as he fights the sleep that tries to overtake him. He's so exhausted. His body is drained from growing a person the past five and a half months.

"Okay, we're finished." Margaret says in Korean, grabbing Felix's attention as he started to doze off again. He blinks his eyes a couple of times and tries to reorient himself with his surroundings. The, now brunette, omega turns his head from left to right in the mirror, examining his new haircut and color.

"I look like a new man, noona!" Felix cheers as he gently moves his bangs from his eyes to not mess up Margaret's hard work. The dark brown looks so much better than his half blonde half black hair that he had before. He didn't realize how bad it was until he's seen himself with a haircut now. Felix had let his hair grow to a length similar to Hyunjin's, but it was his roots that were the problem. He admits he had let it go too far.

"The brown makes you look younger" Margaret comments in Korean, shagging the back of his hair with her fingers. "And this will be nice and low maintenance so you won't have to come back anytime soon for touch-ups with a newborn." She explains as Felix looks at her through the mirror.

Felix returns home and finds his roommate in their kitchen. Hyunjin peeks from behind the open cabinet when he hears Felix come in and when he sees the omega, his mouth drops open. The reaction makes Felix giddy and he does a few poses.

"Does it look good?" Felix asks as he does the flower pose, smiling sweetly and batting his eyelashes. He's only half joking as he does the cutesy pose for the beta.

"So pretty," Hyunjin compliments and comes closer to reach out and touch Felix's hair. "You're glowing." He adds and the omega's heart races as Hyunjin cards his fingers through his bangs. His heart definitely didn't do that when Margaret was touching his hair.

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