Nesting Overdrive.

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At thirty weeks pregnant, Felix has about two months left to prepare for Dumpling's arrival. His body has kicked into nesting overdrive and now he's been cleaning everything. Even things that don't really need to be cleaned. Hyunjin allowed him to lint roll the couch and wipe down the doors, but he drew the line at Felix getting on his hands and knees to scrub the baseboards.

"Yongbok-ah, no. You're going to be in pain later, just leave it." Hyunjin sighs as he guides the omega off of the floor of the kitchen and into the living room. He sits the brunette down on the couch as Felix pouts up at him.

"Do you see how much dust is down there though? It looks like it hasn't been cleaned in years. Dumpling's going to be breathing all of that in!" Felix worries and Hyunjin shakes his head.

"You're just in nesting mode right now. How about you do something a bit less physically demanding but still productive? You wanna wash and fold Dumpling's clothes? You've been meaning to do that for a while, right?" Hyunjin suggests and even though he's right, the omega doesn't stop pouting.

Felix agrees nonetheless and goes into his room to retrieve the laundry hamper full of baby clothes that need to be washed and organized before Dumpling's arrival. It sends a rush of dopamine through his brain to be doing something productive for her. He could be doing homework right now or studying to stay productive, but he was just so restless and couldn't stay still.

"Do you need help?" Hyunjin asks when the first load of laundry is done and Felix has a pile of baby clothes on his bed. He's folding and sorting them into stacks based on size so that he can put the ones he won't need for a while away and have her newborn clothes the most accessible.

"I don't know, I kinda don't want it to end. It's relaxing." Felix admits and Hyunjin chuckles. "Can you sit and talk to me?" The omega asks and even if the beta did have something to do, he doesn't say no.

"What would you like to talk about?" The long-haired man asks as he sits down on the edge of Felix's bed, careful not to knock down any of the tiny clothes.

"Look at how cute this is," Felix says and grabs an outfit from the bed. It's a pink overall set with a white undershirt, the overalls are a knit fabric for the colder months that Dumpling will be born in. "I want her to come home in this." The omega coos as he cradles the outfit like a baby.

"It's adorable. Only two more months, right?" Hyunjin questions and reaches out to touch the soft fabric of the little outfit.

"Aigoo~ I know! What do I do? Things are going to be so different when she's here. I can't even process it" Felix practically squeals as he folds up the overall set. He picks up another pink outfit, this one being a ruffle trimmed jumpsuit and slightly bigger but not by much.

"Things are gonna change a lot. It's gonna be a lot less quiet here." Hyunjin chuckles and Felix frowns.

"I know. I'm sorry, Hyunjin-ah. I've been thinking that Dumpling and I could stay at Changbin-hyung's place for the first couple of we-" The omega starts but Hyunjin is furrowing his eyebrows and cutting him off.

"I'm not saying I mind, Felix-ah. This is her home too. Plus, I love babies." Hyunjin smiles and his eyes squint with the power of it. "She'll have her toys laying around and toddling about squealing and babbling. It'll be so lively and cute" he sounds almost dreamy as he says it and Felix can't help but pout, but it isn't from sadness. He's just so endeared by Hyunjin's excitement.

"But what about the crying, Jinnie? It might wake you up late at night and disturb your sleep. We could always just stay at her dad's house until she has a more consistent sleep schedule." Felix explains, still feeling guilty. It's good that they're having this conversation now because he can't imagine what it would be like if they had to decide this the day Dumpling is born.

"If that's what you feel most comfortable doing, then you should do it but I don't mind either way. I knew you were going to have a baby when I suggested to move in with you, so I'm not going to complain or be upset when a baby does baby things." Hyunjin replies before continuing, "I think I should stay with my parents for a little while when she's born though, because you'll want to be at home and Changbin-hyung will want to be here too. It would give you guys a chance to be a proper family for the first week or so." He says and Felix is immediately declining.

"Absolutely not. This is your home too, just like it's mine and Dumpling's. If it gets bad, I'll go to hyung's place but if you can tolerate it, we'll stay. Either way, you're not leaving." Felix retorts and his tone leaves no room for argument.

"Okay... If that's what you want." Hyunjin replies with a solemn nod.

Another ultrasound comes up, they're a lot more frequent now that he's in the last weeks of his pregnancy. He remembers when he didn't struggle to get up onto the exam table. Now, he feels like his arms are jelly as he hefts himself up and lays down with a huff.

"Hello, Lee Felix-ssi. Who is accompanying you today?" Dr. Jung gives a slight polite bow to Changbin's mother who accompanied Felix to his appointment today.

"This is one of our daughter's grandmothers. She's hyung's mom." Felix introduces the older woman, who returns the polite bow to Dr. Jung.

"Hello, seonsaengnim. Thank you for caring for Yongbok-ah." She says politely as she rubs Felix's back affectionately.

"He's been a pleasure. I enjoy seeing him." The doctor smiles and Felix flushes a bit. She probably doesn't mean it and is just being polite, but it's still nice to hear. "Your urine is good, Felix-ssi, so is your blood pressure. However, you already know what I'm going to say, right?" Dr. Jung gives him a look and Felix gives her a guilty frown.

"Okay, I've gained a lot of weight but I've seriously been watching what I eat this time. I've been craving snickerdoodles so bad, but I haven't caved once." Felix defends making Dr. Jung chuckle.

"I think you may be having a big baby and that's why you're gaining weight so rapidly. You're 78kg today, but we want you at 79.9kg, at most, by the time you give birth." She replies and Felix nods.

"So should I work out or something? I've been watching what I eat." Felix questions and Dr. Jung shakes her head.

"Maybe go for a walk every now and then to keep your pelvic bones loose. This may help with a shorter and easier labor." Dr. Jung says and Felix nods. "You're healthy regardless though, and that's the most important thing. Just keep eating healthy and resting. You will be okay." She finishes and Changbin's mother seems to agree with this greatly because she nods too.

"My Changbinnie-ah was a big baby. I told them that Yongbok-ah would have one too." Changbin's mother states with a knowing nod and Dr. Jung chuckles.

"We can see how she's weighing today." Dr. Jung says and gestures for Felix to lay back. He does so, and rolls up his shirt over his large bump. She squirts the gel on his stomach, he's used to the cool feeling by now, and she places the probe on his belly. "It seems she's face down today so we won't get a good look at her face. Lets take some measurements." She says and they wait as she clicks at her keyboard before she's speaking, "She's weighing almost 2kg and 40cm long, but this is just an estimate. She could come out much smaller." She says and Changbin's mother gasps before laughing lightly.

"Maybe she'll be tall" Changbin's mother says and Felix shakes his head with a laugh. With his and Changbin's genetics, he'd believe it when he sees it.

"Her heart is beating 138bpm, which is perfectly healthy. She's doing amazing." Dr. Jung says after they listen to Dumpling's heartbeat. Felix can't hold back his smile as he watches Changbin's mother with her look of awe.

"Aigoo, my Yongbokkie-ah~" she gushes and grabs Felix's hand with a bright smile that resembles her son's. "Thank you so much" she smiles and he can see the tears reflecting in her eyes.

"Eomma, you're going to make me cry~" Felix complains lightheartedly as Dr. Jung hands him a tissue for his belly. Changbin's mother leans forward and kisses his hair sweetly and he feels tears well up in his eyes.

Is it weird that I love Changbin's mom? She's so sweet and supportive and I feel like that's what our Lixie needs rn. I know I'm writing it but let me live my little fantasy! Also, I have baby fever so bad rn because of this story...

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