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Felix comes back from Sydney and was greeted with a long hug and a kiss from Hyunjin. Things haven't changed, they're actually easy and oddly domestic. The beta and Felix spend a lot of their free time together, talking, cuddling, and kissing.

Hyunjin hangs out with Jeongin occasionally. He also paints and works on his projects. Sometimes Felix can relax with him while he does this, the omega curled up in Hyunjin's bed watching him work. Other times the omega is doing coursework or talking to Jisung or Changbin. He's learning that Hyunjin likes to be beside him and just do nothing sometimes, and Felix likes it too. He really likes it, maybe too much.

They don't always relax together though, sometimes Hyunjin will go to his room to be alone and Felix leaves him be. He sometimes worries that he may overwhelm Hyunjin with his constant need for attention, but it seems they have a good balance. When he feels lonely while Hyunjin takes his alone time, it's like the beta already knows and he appears to smother Felix in affection. It's all so... comfortable.

Part of Felix feels afraid though. Afraid that he's feeling things too quickly and that Hyunjin isn't feeling the same things at the same rate. After feeling unwanted by Changbin for so long, it's daunting to have someone genuinely want to be around him and to want to be with him.

Actually, Felix doesn't know if Hyunjin wants to be with him, but it really feels like it. Maybe Hyunjin wants to stay how they are. Felix should just be thankful for what he has with Hyunjin and not ask for anything more. It makes him want to pull away all together and force things to a stop, to eliminate all chances of him getting hurt. However, he knows then he'd hurt Hyunjin in the process, and he doesn't want to do that. He just feels so conflicted.

"I feel like I'm wrong for wanting more from him." Felix confesses to Rachael through the phone. He's organizing more of Dumpling's things because her wardrobe is still constantly growing, and he's been in nesting overdrive since he got home from Sydney.

"Why are you wrong? There's nothing wrong with wanting a deeper connection with someone you care about." Rachael says and Felix contemplates quietly. "Felix, even if he doesn't want a committed relationship with you, that doesn't invalidate your desire for something more." She continues and the younger sighs.

"I know, but I feel like he does. I'm just scared that things are moving too fast, like they did with Changbin." Felix explains as he thinks back to how quickly things moved with his last relationship.

"How long have you known Hyunjin now?" She asks and Felix thinks back to when he'd met Hyunjin. It was the middle of April.

"Almost six months now" Felix responds.

"Why are you so worried then? Stop comparing your last relationship to your relationship with Hyunjin. They're two different relationships with two different people." Rachael replies and Felix frowns. It isn't that simple. "I know you're scared, Felix. It's normal to be worried that history will repeat itself, but you really need to stop worrying about that. Just allow yourself to be happy." She explains.

"But I don't want to get hurt, and I don't want to hurt Hyunjin. I feel like I should just end it here before we both get too invested." The brunette omega worries and he can hear his sister audibly sigh.

"You're making this so much more complicated than it needs to be. If he makes you happy, then be with him. Don't be afraid that it won't work. If you're happy right now, in this moment, that's what matters." Rachael says insightfully.

"He does make me happy..." Felix trails off quietly.

"Then stop making it hard for yourself. If you break up, you break up, but love is so beautiful. Loving someone is such a special experience. Don't deprive yourself of that because you're scared." Rachael's advice starts to border on fantastical now, but for some reason, it's what Felix really wanted to hear.

"Okay, you want the classic lasagna with a half portion of the garlic cheese bread?" Hyunjin confirms with Felix as he goes over the menu of the Italian restaurant again. The omega has a mean craving for lasagna right now and Hyunjin easily agreed on ordering it. A little too easily.

"Yeah, but what are you going to get?" Felix asks and the beta hums thoughtfully. He looks over the menu again with his lips pursed in concentration. "You don't want Italian, do you?" The omega questions with a deep frown.

"I'm okay with it. I'm not picky." Hyunjin shrugs and the omega tries not to get frustrated with the black-haired man.

"But you are picky. You don't like onions, eggplant, carrots, green onions, or mushrooms. That's like half of the ingredients in Italian food. You don't want it, right?" Felix starts to get emotional as he questions the older and he doesn't know why.

"Yongbok-ah, there's other menu items. I don't mind, seriously." Hyunjin sees that Felix is getting upset and quickly tries to rectify the problem, but now the omega just feels like a burden.

"You're not enthusiastic about it at all though." Felix says holding back tears and Hyunjin sighs.

"I'm gonna order our food. Just hold on." The beta says decisively and dials the number to the restaurant. He's quiet for a second as it rings and Felix just watches with a pout. "Hello, I wanted to place a delivery order?... Oh... Oh, okay... Thank you anyways." Hyunjin talks on the phone for a moment before hanging up without placing an order. The omega just looks at him in question. "They're closing right now and aren't taking anymore orders." This news just sends Felix over the edge. Tears quickly build in his eyes and Hyunjin frowns. "It's okay, Felix. Don't cry." He tries to comfort the omega but the brunette sobs.

"This is the worst day of my life." Felix cries, he's crying so hard that he shakes with the force of his tears. He knows he's being dramatic, but he can't help how upset he feels.

"No, no, it's fine, love. Look, I'll order us something else. Don't cry. Please don't cry." Hyunjin tries his best to stop the tears and Felix really appreciates it, but the tears just won't stop.

"I just wanted some lasagna," The omega sobs and the black-haired man nods in understanding. "And they're closed." He cries as Hyunjin pets his hair sweetly.

"I know, love. I know. I'm sorry. I'll find another restaurant. Don't worry." Hyunjin soothes softly and he starts to look up other Italian restaurants in their area on his phone.

"St-stop being so nice. It's gonna make me cry harder~" Felix whines and Hyunjin looks panicked. It's obvious the poor man has no idea what to do in this situation. Hyunjin just continues to stroke Felix's hair gently and pumps out calming pheromones for the younger. "Just order something else. I don't care what. I don't want lasagna anymore." The omega sniffles as he slowly starts to calm down.

"Are you sure? I'm sure we can find somewhere else." Hyunjin confirms and Felix nods. "Do you still want Western food? There's an American-style restaurant very close to us. You can have a burger and fries? Does that sound okay, my love?" The beta speaks to him so sweetly and Felix can't help but pout. He wants Hyunjin so badly. Not in a sexual way, but in a deep intimate way. "You don't want it?" He asks in concern and Felix shakes his head.

"No, I do. I just- I don't know. Nevermind." The omega responds. Hyunjin looks at him for a moment like he wants to press him to continue but ultimately decides against it. The beta just nods and starts to order their food.

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